Chapter 21: Downhill

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You would think that I would dread getting the doorbell. But when it rings I run to get it... Only issue; Landon gets there first. He hasn't said a word to me since last night. I'm pretty sure he hates me now... Who can blame him? Whatever. I'll deal with that later.

I freeze when I see Harry standing in the doorway and Landon glaring at him. They both look to me, and I lower my head.

"Avril... Why is he here?" Landon asks cautiously. His voice is strained...

"He's taking me to dinner..." I reply flatly.

"Dinner?" He sounds amused. "Have you forgot what happened last night? Are you really that stupid? Honestly, did you forget what I told you what would happen if he hurt you?"

"That doesn't matter. I'm leaving."

Landon blocks my path and I glare at him. "Landon get out of my way now!"

"Or what?"

I turn around and do the only thing I can think of. "Mom! Dad!" I yell. I know there's no way I could push him out of the way.

Moments later they come running. "Is everything ok?" They ask worriedly. They stop and stare at the three of us.

"What's going on?" My dad asks.

"Landon won't let me leave with Harry! He's suppose to take me to dinner!" Wow... I sound like a child again. Tattling on Landon for the stupidest things.

"You got to be kidding me! Don't let her leave with him!" Landon shouts.

"Lower you voice. Both of you. Harry is a gentlemen. Let Avril go with him there's no need to-"

"You don't understand! Harry isn't who you think he is!"

"Landon... I get the tattoos are intimidating but Harry seems very nice. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Harry is a good friend of yours-"

"Not anymore! He hurt Avril! There's no way I'm letting his near her again!"

My parents both look from me to landon to Harry and back to me again. "He didn't hurt me! We got into an argument that's it! We were just about to talk about it and make up! Landon is over reacting!"

I look back to Harry for some help. Anything... But he remains silent with his head down.

"It's not just that!" Landon grabs my arm and pulls my sleeve up, revealing the bruise on my arm from Harry's grip on my arm last night. My arm still hurts... "Do you see that? That's from Harry!" He yells.

My parents eyes widen in horror and Harry's head falls even lower. Landon holds a smug look on his face, and I just stare at them all. Completely horrified.

I thought today would go over well. Harry and I would talk things over and make up. We would start going uphill like we should.

Now.. I fear we are going to fall downhill. Things are about to get very bad... I can tell. My parents told me that fighting verbally is one thing... But if my boyfriend is to ever get physical and hurt me I'd have to break up with him... No questions asked.

"Harry..." My mom shakes her head as if it's hard for her to move.

I want to explain to them. Tell them it's only from his tight grip. He didn't hit me or anything. He didn't mean to hurt me in anyway. But I can't say anything.

"I think you need to go Harry..." My dad says.

Harry looks up at me for a second with his saddened eyes before her turns and walks out the door. Landon lets me go and slams the door behind him.

Everyone stares at me. "I can't believe you! Avril you should know better!" My mom scolds.

My chest tightens. I can't breathe.

"We are so disappointed in you!" My dad adds. "You aren't aloud to see him anymore."

And that made all if this ten times worse. A parent saying they're disappointed in their own child is like taking a knife to the heart..

"Not just see him! She shouldn't be aloud to date him or hang around him or anything! He can't be involved in her life!" Landon yells.

"Lower you voice... Landon's right. Avril do you understand?" My mom says with a frown.

I stare blankly at them... This doesn't seem real. I'm dreaming aren't I? I can't utter a word... I nod and turn and slowly walk away. I walk to my room and shut the door. Lock it and sit down on my bed. I'm never coming out...

* * *

I sit in my room, on the edge of my bed with the lights off. It's dark now and past dinner time.

My parents called me down to eat, and I ignored them.

They knocked on my door, and I ignored them.

The left food outside of my door, and I still ignored them.

They said goodnight and once again, I ignored them. I didn't say a word to them. I haven't even leave my bed. Only once or twice to go to the bathroom.

When eleven rolls around I slowly poke my head outside of my door. The food is still there. I take the bread and water then close the door, leaving the rest.

You'd think I'd be starving... But I feel if I eat any more than just the slice of now stall bread I'll throw up.

My phone buzzes and I stare at the message blankly. You'd think I'd be crying... But I think the shock has blocked the sadness...

I feel empty. No emotions but shock. That's all I feel. I feel sick and tired but those aren't really emotions...

11:22 p.m.

From: Harry<3

Come 2 your window

I look at my window. Maybe I should ignore his text... But I want to see him. I don't care what my parents say...

I slowly open it and there's Harry... I don't know how this worked out but my room is really easy to get to. I've snuck out of the house before with ease.

There's another roof that hangs over the front door. I'd climb onto it then use the small pillars to slide down. Getting up is harder but not impossible and there's Harry. Waiting outside of my window and I feel like I'm in a movie.

I stare at him with a frown. He tries to smile but it's fake. "Be quiet..." He nods and crawls into my room. "I forgive you..."

"Well that was easy... I forgive you too..." I smile and hug him. All of my anger has faded. I barely remember why I was so mad at him.

He holds me and kisses the top of my head. I suddenly feel tears roll down my face and I start to sob. I sob into Harry's shirt, muffling the sound.

"Shhhh..." He whispers as he strokes my hair.

"I hate them... They can't do this!" I whisper. I look up at him and he takes my face in his hands.

"It's alright..." He suddenly takes my arm and looks at it. He furrows his eyebrows and squints at it. After a moment he frowns and his arm falls... He just now noticed the bruise he caused... "I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you..."

"Harry it's alright." Am I being too forgiving? "I know you didn't mean it. It doesn't even hurt." I lie...

"It doesn't matter... I hurt you. Why are you being so forgiving?"

I don't know the answer to that. I've never held a grudge for very long... But I've forgiven Harry much quicker than I should.

"I don't know..." I finally say, just below a whisper. My arms rest on his shoulders and I pull him close. My lips fit in his perfectly and I close my eyes.

Harry's hands rest on the small of my back and pulls me into him. I don't care what anyone says. Harry's mine. They can't take him from me...

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