Chapter 10: Hell Begins

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Now, at the dinner table it's only my mom and I... Landon is still in his room.

"How was the mall?"

"Fine..." I mutter with a mouthful of food.

"Are you alright?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I ask taking another bite.

"Have you met Landon's new friend?" she asks, changing the topic.

I shake my head.

"His name is Harry. He's such a gentleman!" she chirps.

I laugh. "Mom, he's anything but!" I scoff.

"You said you haven't met him."

I shrug. "I've met him... But I don't know him well..."

"Oh. Well you should get to know him better..."

I frown and stand up. "I'm done eating..." I say while taking my bowl to the sink. "I'll be upstairs..." I mutter.

As I stomp up the stairs I pass Landon's room. I stop and lean closer to make out what their soft voices are saying.

"So Harry, how long have you been going out with-" Landon voice is cut off by Harry's.

"Laura... I don't know and I don't really give a shit. She's a complete bitch..."

"Why are you dating her then?" Niall asks.

"She's hot af." They all burst out laughing. "Can I go get a soda or something?"

"Ya man. You know where the fridge is. Bring me back something too."

I back away from the door and into my room. Before I do close the door I catch Harry's eye. I shoot him a glare and slam the door shut.

He's such a bastard! He annoys me so much! Out of all the places he had come to my house didn't he...

"Avril?" There's a soft knock on my door.

"Go away, Harry!" I demand.

"I just want to talk-"

"Well we're talking now, aren't we?"

"Uh... I guess..."

"Hurry up. I'm busy."

"I don't know what you heard but... I didn't mean anything I said about you..."

What? They were talking about me?

I get to my feet and move to the door. I fling it open and stare up into Harry's green eyes. He seems surprised that I opened the door.

"You were talking about me?"

His eyes widen. Now he knows he just admitted to talking about me behind my back.

"Uh... Sort of. Yes and no. You see Landon-"

"I don't give a shit about what he said! You can't go around saying crap about me!"

"Calm down..." He yells in a whisper.

"Why? So they don't know that you're a fucking bastard! Honestly Harry it's so rude to-"

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his strong chest.

"I said I was sorry..."

I push away from him. "regardless, its rude..."

I turn and stomp back into my room. I slam the door with out looking back at him.

He was right when he was talking about him not being who I-think-he-is shit. He's not nice... He's an asshole! That's for sure. Why would I ever want him as a friend?

I lean my back against the door and listen as he opens then closes Landon's door.

I don't even know what to think about him anymore...

* * *

Friday is tomorrow... The party is tomorrow... I'm finally graduating... But my dad won't be there to see it...

I've looking forward to this for as long as I could remember... But now I'm not so sure I'm ready to graduate and go to collage...

I've been avoiding Harry. Even at the skate park. If I see him, I ignore him. He's just got me so mad and he deserves it.

First he dates a girl just for money. He doesn't even like Laura! Then he calls me annoying... and I find out he's been talking shit about me! He sounds like a freaking girl for crying out loud!

As I walk out of school with Zoe I notice something. Out of the corner of my eye Laura is flirting with Harry...

"Zoe... will you excuse me for a minute..."

"Uh... no... what are you talking about?" she follows my gaze and a smile spreads across her face. "You want to eaves drop?"

I glare at her and we casually hide behind a bush to listen in on their conversation...

"Harry~ you're bringing me to the party tomorrow right?"

"I guess..."

"You guess? I'm you're girlfriend and you do whatever I tell you to do! Geez Harold-"

"I told you not to call me that..."

"Whatever, Harry! I swear sometimes it seems like you don't even love me-"

"I don't..."

I glance over at Zoe and her mouth hangs open. I really hope I'm wrong about what's about to happen... When a boy tells his girlfriend that he doesn't love her... Shit happens...

"E-excuse me!"

"You heard me! Laura, I'm so sick of you!"

I glance around and people are starting to stare, eager to be the firsts to see a breakup.

"You're a selfish bitch! I don't fucking love you! Get over it!"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm breaking up with you."

"What! Why!!!"

I step out from behind the bush with a frown and Harry's eyes meet mine instantly.

"Because I love someone else..."


I know this chapter is really short. I'm sorry! But what do you guys think? Please comment :)

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