Chapter 15: Almost

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Harry's POV

A small voice pipes up. "Harry... What happened last night?" Avril asks through a yawn.

I freeze. She doesn't remember...? "What are you talking about?" Stupid question, I know.

"Like... I remember you driving me home and all... But after we got here. Everything else is a total blank... So did I miss anything?"

She doesn't remember... "Uh... Well I gave you that to change into." I say gesturing to the shirt. "You got sick and threw up. You made it to the toilet though... Then we went to bed." I say and she nods.

I leave out the part where she was practically naked and we were making out. I gently tuck her hair behind her ear and she smiles. But really I'm looking at her neck.

I really hope she won't notice. She has a hickey right where her neck and jaw meets. What's she going to think when she sees that...?

"Oh... Did I ever tell my mom I was staying here for the night?"

"Ya. I sent her a text for you." I laugh. "You wanted to call her... But I wouldn't let you."

She giggles. "Thank you. My god... If she knew I'd been drinking..."

"I know." She starts to sit up. "What are you doing?"

"I have to go to the bathroom." she states.

She walks to the bathroom and I hold my breathe. I can see it now. She's going to look in the mirror and see it and then I'll have to explain...

I watch as she carelessly strolls into the bathroom and closes the door behind her. After a moment of silence the toilet flushes. There's more silence...

"Harry...?" She asks cautiously opening the door. Shit.

She frowns at me and walks to the edge if he bed. She pulls her hair away from the side of her neck so I can see the mark on her neck.

"What the fuck is this?"

I inhale sharply and sit up. I run my fingers through my hair. "It's not my fault."

"Who's fault is it then?"


"Mine? How the fuck is it my fault? What happened? What did you do to me last night? You fucking took advantage of me! Didn't you?"

"Nothing happened! You were drunk and I gave you my shirt to change into and you just took off your clothes! You still had you underwear and bra! You don't need to freak out!"

"I don't need to freak out? How do I know your not lying to me? How would you feel if you woke up and saw you had a fucking hickey but didn't know where it came from?"

"Listen! Just let me explain!" She crosses her arms but nods. "You just ran up to me and you jumped up and wrapped your legs around me. We started to kiss and I gave you a fucking hickey, okay? That's all! I stopped before anything really happened, and I made you go to bed!" I run my fingers through my hair again and sigh.

"You swear that's what happened?" She asks, lowering her voice.


She sighs with relief. "My god... That scared the shit out of me..."

"I would never do that..." My tone slightly hurt.

She sighs again and lays down beside me. "I know... I just... Got really scared... I've never... You know..." She whispers with her head down.

I'm about to laugh. The way she said it was just kind of funny. But I manage to keep a straight face.

"You've never had sex? Is that what you mean?" Her face gets red and she nods. "Why didn't you just say that?"

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