Chapter 14: After Party

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Have you ever just been really tired to the point where everything is hilarious? Well that's kind of how I feel now being piss drunk I guess.... I get into the car and swing my feet up into the dash board. I refuse to buckle up and Harry leans over and buckle me in anyway.

After a while we get to Harry's house. "Oh! Am I staying with you for the night?" I say while fumbling with the buckle of the seat belt.

"Ya. Should you let your mom know?"

"Oh ya! She said that... Uh, If I end up staying the night with a friend to let her know! I'll call her!"

I take out my phone and start looking trough my contacts. Harry grabs my phone. "Why don't you just text her? I'll do it for you"

I watch as his fingers move across the phone. He hands it back and I look at the message he sent.

I'm staying @ a friends house tonight. I'm going 2 bed. c u tomorrow. Love you ~Avril

That sounds like something I'd say! How did he know?

I shut off my phone and we get out of his car. I look up at the sky at all of the stars. "The stars are so pretty!" I shout.

Harry nods and grabs my hand. I stumble into his house and run to the couch. I flop down on it and laugh. "I had fun~"

"Uh-huh. Lets get you changed." He leads me upstairs and I to his room. I sit down on his bed and watch as he goes through his drawers. He tosses me a black t-shirt and a pair of socks.

I smile and thank him. As he turns to close the drawer I pull my tank top off over my head and pull of my skirt and shoes, leaving me in my bra and underwear.

Harry turns back and freezes when he sees me almost completely naked. If I'm not mistaken his cheeks are a dark red. His eyes are wide as they scan my body. I stand up and stretch, not bothering to put the shirt on yet.

I giggle and run up to him. I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck. My lips collide with his and he tenses for a moment. His hands slowly wrap around my waist and I jump up, wrapping my legs round his.

I wrap my arms tighter deepening the kiss. He breaks away from the kiss and his lip move down to where my neck and jaw meet.

We takes a few steps and my back is suddenly pressed up against the cold wall. I let my head fall slightly to the side and let out a small moan as Harry begins to suck on the skin. One if his hand move up and stop just below my breasts.

He suddenly pulls away and silence falls over us. The sound of our heavy breathes fill the dimly light room.

After a moment I speak. "Harry... why'd you stop~" I whine.

He gently puts me down. My bare feet meet the soft carpet and I pout. and cross my arms over my chest.

"What's that look for?" He whispers.

"You stopped... Am I not good enough?" I ask on the verge of tears.

He sighs and cups my face in his hands. "That's not it... You're perfect. I just don't want to take advantage of you... You're really drunk, Av... I'm sorry, babe..."

I frown and nod understanding. I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. I push Harry aside and run into the bathroom.

Harry follows close behinds. "Av? please don't be mad."

I drop to my knees in front of the toilet. Harry comes to my side and I shake my head. "I'm not mad... I just feel really sick all a sudden..." I mumble.

I hand my head over the toilet and Harry gently pulls my hair away from my face. I grip the edge of the toilet and throw up. I cringe at the grows taste left over in my mouth.

"Can you get me some water and a mint or gum or something...?"

Out of the corner of my eye I see a small smile on his face. "Sure, I'll be right back." he says before leaving my side.

I'm still in the bathroom when he gets back. But I feel much better. I stand up and take the water from his hands. I take a small dip. The taste is still there and I grab the mint her brought me.

"Thanks." I mutter while we walk out of the bathroom.

"Do you want to put a shirt on now?" My face heats up and I nod.

I put on the black shirt and socks. The socks bunch up at my ankles and the hem if the shirt falls to the middle of my thighs.

I throw my hair up in a messy pony tail and start to walk towards the door. "Where are you going?" Harry asks.


"No, you're not. You're going to bed. It's late and you need you're rest"

"I'm not tired." I lie.

He walks to the door and closes it, them locks it, then stands in front of it. I frown at him and the sides of his mouth twitch slightly.

I then and lay down on the bed. I pull the elastic from my hair and put it around my wrist. Harry takes a place next to me once he's turned off the lights.

We both lay under the covers in silence for a moment. I turn on my side and face him. "I can't fall asleep..." I mumble.

His large hand finds my face and he whispers. "Just try to fall asleep." I frown even though he can't see me.

"Harry... Will you cuddle with me?"

I hear a soft laugh escape his lips. His arm wraps around my waist and pulls me into his chest. I gently drape my arm over him and burry my face in his chest. I feel his lips gently press against my head.

That's how we fall asleep. In each others arms. And it's nice.

* * *

I wake up and Harry is still asleep. Our legs are intertwined and so I just lay there watching him... Creep, huh?

My head hurts... I regret ever drinking last night. I gently lift my arm and rub my temple, hoping it will help my head ache.

"Morning..." I look up at the sound of Harry's raspy voice. "You okay, babe?"

I grin. "Ya... Just... I have a head ache."

"And who's fault is that?"


"Mine? How is it my fault?"

"You let me drink that much!"

I frown at him and suddenly realize that I can barely remember what happened after the party. I vaguely remember leaving with Harry... and then we got to his house... That's about it... I don't think I was feeling well... I honestly can't remember what happened after we got here...

"Harry... What happened last night...?" I ask through a yawn.

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