Chapter 16: Hiding Us

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This chapter will get very mature/dirty at the end!(that's why this is sort of a rated r fanfic; the content and language) I will put😨 when that part is coming up. If you do not wish to read that part stop reading when you see the emoji! You've been warned... Enjoy!


Choice. It was my choice for Harry to wait. I told Harry to wait in the car... I really didn't want him to follow me at all... But he refused. So now he follows me into my house with I smug look on his face just because he won the argument.

I try to open the door quietly. "Be quiet..." I whisper to Harry. He nods and we sneak into the house, shutting the door a little too loudly behind us...

"Avril?" My mom asks from the kitchen.

I roll my eyes, making Harry grin, but answer her. "Ya?"

I walk into the kitchen and Harry stays by the door. "How was the party?"


"Who's house did you stay at?"

I freeze. Fuck...

Before I can answer she furrows her eyebrows, making her look older. "Is someone here with you?"

"Uh... Ya... I was walking home from... Hannah's house... and uh... Harry stopped and offered to drive me the rest of the way home..."

Her eyes light up and she walks past me to see Harry. I walk behind her and watch her short blonde hair bob as she walks.

"Harry! How nice to see you again! How are you?" She chirps. I roll my eyes.

"Very good? And yourself?" He says politely... What? Wait a second... Harry? Polite?

His eye catches mine and I give him a what-the-heck? Look. He only grins and continues to talk with my mom.

"Well. You guys can keep talking while I change" I say. They ignore me and I walk upstairs. I pass Landon's room. Empty. That's a first.

I walk into my room and go through my closet and drawers looking for something to wear. I settle with a pair of faded jean shorts and a black, daisy crop top. I put on my black converse and grab my bag. I quickly brush out my hair and put it in a side braid, making sure that it covers the hickey on my neck. I wash my face, and reapply makeup before heading back downstairs. Oh, and of course brush my teeth because of that awful morning breathe.

I grab Harry's arm once downstairs and give my mom a quick kiss on the cheek. "Oh, Avril." she says just as I'm closing the door. I pretend not to hear her and shut the door.

"Lets go before she tries to talk to me." I say annoyed. Harry chuckle beside me.

* * *

After a while of skating with Harry and the others it starts to rain. At first we ignore it. A little rain won't bother us. But then the thunder and lightning start...

I fucking hate it. I've always been a little scared of it. Only Zoe and Niall know how scared I am of it. I was at their house and it started once. We were having a sleepover. They thought I was going to have a heart attack or something.

As the lighting flashes across the dark sky Zoe glances at me worriedly. "Av... You okay?" She asks cautiously.

I tense and nod. The hairs on my arms and neck stand up as I hear the thunder again.

"Well this sucks... We got to skate home in this?" Niall pouts.

"I can give you guys a ride." Harry says while taking off his helmet.

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