Chapter 26: Unbelievable

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Just forget. I need to forget. Not forget. But just... Not keep feeling so guilty. Alex would be mad if I forgot her. I could never do that to her.

I stare at my ceiling blindly. It's been about a week since I discovered Niall has Alex's journal. My eyes scan over the tiny specks on the ceiling. I start to count them. Maybe that will get my mind off things.


Why can't I stop thinking of her...?


Why would she give it to Niall...?


What did she write in there...?


Why can't these thoughts go away...?

I stop counting. It's not helping. I need to get out of the house but its three in the morning. No one is up at this time in the morning.

Maybe I should go for a run? Wow... I can't believe I even considered that. I could skateboard for a little. But I don't want to get out of bed.

I glance over at my clock: 3:46a.m. My hand finds its way around my phone and I hold it over my head and stare at the blinding screen. I play a few games, I even try flappy bird, but when I only get past two pipes I get too frustrated, and I accidentally drop my phone on my face.

I finally find myself scrolling trough my contacts. I stop at Harry's name. My finger hovers over the call button. It's too early to call him. I glance at my clock again: 3:57a.m. I click call.

It rings a few times before going to his voicemail.

I try again.

It rings a few times.


I try again.

This will be the last time. I stare at the ceiling and listen to the ringing in my ear. "Hello...?" A raspy voice whispers on the other end of my phone. My ears perk up at the sound of his morning voice.

"Harry!" I chirp.

"Avril...? Why are you calling me so early in the morning?" He asks slowly.

"I couldn't sleep..."

"And why is that?"

"Bad dream" I lie. "Can you come over?"

"Babe, I'd love too... But it's four in the morning..."

"Harry..." I whine.

He lets out a sigh. "No... Avril, I'm sorry, but I'll see you at the skate park today, can't you wait...?" I pick up a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Ya.... I guess..." A new idea suddenly pops into my head. "What if I come to your house?"

"I don't want you riding to my house this early, Av... Go back to bed." I can tell he's trying to be as nice as possible about this.

"Geez, you're no fun." I whine.

He sighs loudly and without seeing him I can still tell he's rolling his eyes. "Go to bed." He says again.

"Fine..." I mutter before hanging up. Great. Now I have to wait until later.

I have the next few hours to just lie in bed and continue to think about my life.

* * *

I sit on the bench and watch the others skate. I'm not really in the mood. Huh... I never thought I'd ever hear myself say I'm not in the mood to skate.

"Av? You alright?" Jen asks while walking over to me. She carries her skate board in one hand and swings it back and forth. Eleanor and her have been getting much better at skateboarding lately.

"I'm fine."

She furrows her eyebrows. "You're obviously not. Something's on your mind..."


"Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah. I just need to get my mind off of things though. I can't seem to do that..."

"Well, duh! You're just sitting around! Come and skate!" Jen lightly grabs my shoulder and shakes me. I try to fight back a laugh.

"I'm not in the mood-"

"Avril not in the mood to skateboard? Unheard of! Are you sick or something?" She presses the back of her hand to my forehead, and we both laugh. "Well lets get some food then. It's around lunch time anyways."


We eat and talk for a while. I end up feeling a little better, and we all skate for the rest if the day. I'm pretty sure food can make any situation better.

I glance at the time in my phone. I need to go home. I let everyone know but Harry stops me from leaving. "Why don't you ask your parents if you can come to my house? We can have everyone over. It'll be fun."

I grin. "Okay. Hurry and tell everyone to get ready to go then. I'll call my parents."

I was really surprised my parents aloud me to go to Harry's house. Maybe they were put more at ease knowing the two of us wouldn't be alone together.

On our way there I make Harry carry my Bag and helmet. Harry's house is close by. I'll be fine without it. Despite Zoe's glares and comments every now and then, I refuse to put it on. Its hot tonight, and my helmet doesn't exactly cool me down.

I find my way to the back of our group as we skate. I watch the others swerve around in front of me.

Harry's house is only a few more blocks away when I turn around and see a car coming our way. Coming down the wrong lane...

"Guys, we should get onto the sidewalk..." I warn.

They all turn back to looks at me, obviously confused because I hate riding on the sidewalk.

"Ya. Av is right." Zoe says. She turns onto the sidewalk and we all slow down and follow her.

Before it is my turn to move to the sidewalk I turn one last time...

The car wipes past me, the front of it hitting my side and throwing me off my skateboard. Pain shoots through me, and I let out a small yelp before falling down.

I fall back, the sounds around me muffled. My head hits the curb and a more intense pain shoots through me. My vision starts to blur and everything goes black.


The end of this chapter... Bet you didn't see that coming

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