Chapter 32: Where's My Happy Ending?

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Had I imagined that? All I hear is... Footsteps...? Nope. I'm not imagining it.

I push myself away from Harry and look toward the stairs as the lights flick on. My mouth falls open, searching for something to say. My face heats up and I scramble to pull my dress back up. Harry follows my gaze to Landon standing in the stairway.

"Landon! W-What are you doing here?" I squeak once I've managed to zipped my dress up again. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything yet. He must be trying to analyze the situation before he acts.

"... What's he doing here...?" He scowls at Harry. I'm going to take back what I said about him analyzing the situation.

"You didn't answer my question" I protest. I stand up and Harry follows my movements, though he doesn't look embarrassed at all. He only stays by my side, as if silently cheering me on.

"I don't need to answer your dumb ass question! I want him gone!" his hands ball up in fists and he slams it against the wall. I jump as a loud bang fills the air.

"Lets go to my place..." Harry says quietly.

"No. Harry, you can go home. Avril will stay here..."

I step forward and frown at him. "I'm leaving with Harry" I say sternly while grabbing Harry's hand and trying to drag him passed Landon. He steps in front of me, blocking my escape. "Landon! Get the fuck out of my way!"

"Wait till mom and dad get home..." he smirks at me and doesn't move. I try to shove him, but I do no damage. I try once again, slamming my hands I to his chest with frustration. He stumbles slightly but quickly regains his balance.

"Goddammit!" I scream. "You're such an asshole! Why can't you let me be fucking happy for once!!!" I grab at the roots if my hair and pull until it hurts.

I see his face fall and he steps aside. Somehow, without even trying, I know how to hit his weakest spots. I know what to say to make him give in.

I grab Harry's hand and we walk outside to his car. Harry doesn't say anything. Every now and then I see his mouth open, as if he wants to say something, but he closes it quickly, deciding against it. I wish he'd say something. The car ride seems much longer with the awkward silence lingering between us.

When I pull into Harry's driveway I turn off the engine but don't get out. I grip the steering wheel hard, turning my knuckles white. "Av-"

I quickly cut him off. "I don't care. Whatever you have to say it's not important at the moment. I said what I said and he'll get over it..."

"Maybe he's right-"

I abruptly turn to him and scowl. "what the fuck are you saying! He doesn't know you! He thinks you'll break my heart. He thinks that your going to tear my world apart or some shit! But you haven't! and you won't! You've been with me trough it all! He doesn't know shit, Harry!"

He leans back and pulls at his hair. "I love you... You know that, right? I always have, always will. Cheesy as fuck, but true..."

"I know... Same goes for me..." my heart slowly sinks more and more as the conversation continues. I'm praying that I'm wrong about what is about to happen...

"I can't believe I'm fucking doing this shit..." he mutters, his voice cracking.

"Doing what..." I ask cautiously. He doesn't answer. "doing what!"

"I think it would be best for everyone... if we put an end to this... to us..."

"What...?" Your probably wondering why I'd ask such a dumb ass question... I don't know. It just slipped out. I know whats going on, I just want to here him say it to be sure.

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