Chapter 7: Comparing

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Harry's POV

You know what? I don't think Avril understands at all. I'm a trouble maker. I'm an asshole. She should stay away from me. But, somehow she thinks we're friends now.

I'd like to be her friend, but I don't want her getting hurt. She's probably the only girl I know who won't force me to watch a chick flick with her. Alright, so that's not what I like most about her. But I don't know what it is...

I really wish I could explain to myself why I can't get her out of my head, but I can't. She's in my mind all the time... I can't stand it.

Anyway, I don't hate them (chick flicks) but it seems like that's all most girls ever want to watch. It can get old.

I'm honestly really worried about Avril. She seems to want to show her real feelings and it bothers me. She's hiding a lot from me. I can tell. She's not being honest with me... Is she like this with everyone? or is it just me?

She had broken down when her dad had gotten in touch with her. She refused to go home and let her mom see her cry... Isn't a girls mom the only person that they will let them see them cry... Yes? No?

I'm not the one who wants to hurt her. But I might... Actually, I think Laura is that person. She hates Avril. I'm being serious; she HATES her. She made it very clear.

She can't just start looking up to me though. I'm probably the worst role model ever.

Hang on... speaking of Laura... I never let her into my private life. That's why she never gets hurt. It just occurred to me...

She doesn't care about my personal life if it doesn't involve her.

That's one thing I like better about Avril. She seems to actually care about me. Avril... She actually genially cares about me. No one else ever really cares. My mates have been questioning my relationship with Laura... But they don't really look too much into it...

I'm really confused right now... I keep switching topics... I'm such an idiot...

* * *


At the sound of her voice I wake up. I was actually having a good dream... I was dreaming of her... Avril looks up at me with a small smile.

"Morning, love."

"Morning... um, would it be too much trouble to ask for some food?"

I laugh. "Didn't you eat before you fell asleep."

She shoves me. "That was hours ago! I'm starving! I need some food! Geez! I like to eat, get over it!"

"Relax." I say playfully. "What do you want?"

"Something sweet." She rubs her eyes and stretches out her legs. She throws her hands up and over her head.

"Really? You seem like someone who likes spicy foods." She crinkles her nose and shakes her head.

"Nope. I may look pretty bad ass but I love my sweets!" She laughs and runs her fingers through her hair.

"So, I'm guessing you would like crepes?"

"With bananas?"

"Whatever you want." I'm tempted to call her babe or something. But I quickly catch myself.

Her face lights up and she jumps to her feet. She skips to the kitchen chanting. "Off to the kitchen to make something sweet to eat!" She sings.

I follow her with a smile. I watch the way her arms swing at her side. The way she has a jump in her step. Her hair sways from side to side, following her movements.

I've decided to start mentally listing the things that make Avril better than Laura.

Avril makes me laugh and smile. I don't have to fake a smile a round her.

The way she gets excited over certain things. The way-

"Earth to Harry!"

I shake my head and smile. "Yeah?"

"You totally zoned out on me!" She exclaims.

"Sorry. So, banana crepes!" I say. "You get the... Eggs. I don't think you can reach the flour." I tease.

"I can reach it! Where is it!" Man, she's pretty hyper considering it is about eight in the morning.

That's another thing. Her determination. If someone tries to tell her she can't do something she doesn't stop until she either proves them wrong, or they back down.

I point to the cabinet next to where the gold fish were. "In there. I'll get the eggs then." As I grab the eggs I watch her.

For a moment she stands there looking up at the cabinet. As if she's trying to devise a plan. She looks back at me for a moment. Not saying a word. I should help her...

I open my mouth to ask if she needs help but she cuts me off. "I got this!"

I chuckle. Another thing I like about her. Avril is independent, and she likes to help and prove herself to others. That kind of goes along with the determination. But whatever.

Laura just makes me do everything for her. She's completely dependent on me. That's annoying as fuck.

The thing about Avril is that she lets me help sometimes. So she's not completely independent. But I like that. Being able to help sometimes, not all the time.

She grabs a chair and carefully stands on it. I put the eggs down and walk up to her.

She steps into the counter and pulls open the cabinet. I don't think she's noticed that I'm right behind her... and can see up the shirt she's wearing as a night gown.

I grin at the blue underwear she wears. There's a large pink heart on one side.

"Got it!" She cheers while turing around.

She sees me and instantly pulls down the hem of the shirt. "HARRY!"

The flour bag comes out of her grip when I startled her. She gasps as the tie on the bag comes undone. (I never bothered to tie it tight.)

At the same moment the flour comes down on my head Avril looses her balance while trying to step back down onto the chair.

Within seconds I catch her and we both fall to the floor.

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