Chapter 6: Favor

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Know what? He give me one of his t-shirts to wear. He let me go to the bathroom to take a shower and wash up. And I can't even believe it. How is it that a sweet guy like Harry is with Laura?

When I finish I go down stairs. His t-shirt smells so nice. It's almost like a night gown on me. The hem ends just above my knees. I'm not that tall compared to him...

I tie up my wet hair as walk into the living room where Harry is sitting watching tv.

"Thank you..."

He turns around and I see a little bit of shock in his eyes, making me slightly uncomfortable. He quickly recovers and smiles.

"No prob, love." I feel my checks heat up as he looks at me with a smile. His eyes scan my body and if its even possible, my face gets redder.

I start to walk to the kitchen. "You got any food?" I ask. I take my hair out of its bun so it will hopefully dry faster.

"Didn't you eat a few hours ago?"

"Ya. A few hours ago. I'm hungry." I state impatiently.

Harry's POV

I follow Avril into the kitchen. "What do you want?" I ask her.

She turn to look at me. She pushes her damp blonde hair behind one of her ears and shrugs. "I just want something... Do you have goldfish?" She asks looking at her feet.

I grin. "Ya. You want something to drink?"

"Water." She states while trying to pull down the shirt more.

She looked cute. I liked the way my shirt looked on her. She wore knee high socks along with my shirt... She just kind of makes it work.

"It's in the cabinet above you." I say point to one of the cabinets. "I'll get you the water."

I get the glass and watch in amusement as she jumps to try to reach the cabinet.

"Do you need help?"

"No." She says continuing to jump up and down.

"Why don't you climb up into the counter?"

She turns to me. Her cheeks are bright red. "Because... This shirt is a little short... And I don't have any pants on..."

I chuckle and walk over to her. I gently grab her waist and lift her off the ground. The shirt moves up a little, showing more of her legs, and she tenses but doesn't say anything.

She's so light. She swiftly opens the cabinet door, takes out the goldfish, and closes it. I gently place her down. For a moment she doesn't move.


She suddenly turns around and smile. "Thanks." She says opening the goldfish and offering me some. I take a handful and we go to the living room.

"Want to watch a movie?"

"Any movie?" She asks.

I sigh. "Sa... Any movie..." I can already hear her saying. "Titanic!" or "The notebook!"

"The Avengers!" She chirps.

That caught me completely off guard. "You don't want to watch the notebook or whatever?"

"Nah. I've seen it hundreds of times. Besides, I doubt you'd want to watch it. I know how boys are about those movies. Besides, I'm in the mood to laugh"

I smile. "The Avengers it is."


As the movie gets close to the end I look over at Avril. Her bright eyes are glued to the tv. She leans back in the chair.

By the end of the movie she's half asleep. Her eyes start to close, and she almost leans on me, but she quickly shakes her head and sits up straight again.

This continues for a while until eventually, she gives in and leans her head on my shoulder. She breathes steadily and huddles beside me.

I carefully grab a blanket that's folded on the couch. I drape it over the both of us and wrap an arm around her, keeping her close.

I gently run my fingers through her soft hair. She shifts slightly before relaxing again."Harry?" she whispers.


"Thank you..."

"What are you talking about?"

"For everything... You've been really nice to me... You're just a really good person... Thank you for that..."

I frown. "Avril... I'm not that great of a person... You don't really know me..."

She shakes her head. "No... You're a good person... Don't think any... differently..." She whispers.

"Avril..." she doesn't answer. She's already fallen asleep again.

If only she knew the real me... I'm never like this. It's only when I'm around her... If she knew then she'd see I'm not the guys she thinks I am...


I'm sorry, this chapter is kind of short. I still hope you liked it though!

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