Chapter 20: Not Giving Up

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Protect me. That's what his intentions are I think... But, this is a mess... Why can't everyone just leave me alone? I don't want to be around people right now. I'm thankful for Zoe's comforting but I just want to go home...

The drinks I've had are making me so unlike myself. I'm an emotional reck right now and everyone can tell. I didn't mean for that to happen...

If we're being honest here... I've been so intoxicated I thought it was Harry... But I can't say that aloud.

It's true. He has brown curls and green eyes. He wasn't as handsome as him but I thought it was him...

Someone puts their hands on my waist and I stop my dancing for a moment. I look behind me and grin. It's Harry... But he looks so different...

"Wanna dance~?" he asks. His speech slurred. His voice holds no British accent. I still think it's him.

"Ya~ But Harry, why do you look so different... You sound weird too~"

"Uh..." He seems speechless for a moment then recovers. "Haha, must be cuz I'm drinking. I'm still H-Harry... You look fucking sexy in that dress..."

I giggle and we start to dance. In a short period of time passes I feel his hand slipping downwards.

His hand moves to the inside of my thigh and moves up again. I stop dancing and he continues.

His fingers suddenly slip my underwear to the side and he sticks two fingers in me. I jump and gasp. My head falls back and I let out a soft moan. "H-Harry... Not right now..." I whimper.

"Shhh... Babe, Imma make you feel so fucking good~ Lets get you a few more drinks... Then we can take this up-"

His words are suddenly interrupted by someone punching him right in the nose. He tumbles down and I stare in shock. It suddenly dawned on me that that wasn't Harry... Harry is the person who just knocked him unconscious...

"HARRY!" I scream and grab his arm. This is bad... So bad...

"Calm down, Av. It's alright. This isn't your fault you we're just confused..." Zoe whispers as she hugs me.

"It is my fault. Harry is mad at me... Landon is mad at me... I didn't know!" I sob.

"Shhh... Av, relax. We are going to go home now okay? We can talk about it then..." I nod and burry my face in her shoulder while Niall is trying to calm down Landon. and Zayn is trying to get to Harry.

This is a mess...

* * *

I lay on Zoe's bed while she takes her turn in the shower. I tie up my wet hair and pull out my phone.

10:41 p.m.

From: Harry<3

Babe, I'm really sorry

10:58 p.m.

From: Harry<3

Babe, please answer me

11:02 p.m.

From: Harry<3

Av, please? I'm really sorry.

11:21 p.m.

From: Harry<3

Can we please just talk about it. I didn't mean to hurt you...

I frown at my phone. It's 11:30 at the moment. Maybe we should talk about it...

I call him. I will talk with him until Zoe gets out of the shower. The phone rings twice and he pics up.

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