Chapter 31: Temptation

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We don't want to repeat anything. my mind says as Harry begs me to go to the party. "Babe, please?"

"Harry... I don't know"

"I haven't seen you in forever. It will be fun" Harry gently pulls me into him, keeping his hands on my waist.

"Do you remember the last party?" I'm referring to the large fight we had when I got drunk and... I don't even want to think about it.

"Ya. But it will be different this time. Besides, the others will be there too" he pouts and runs his fingers briefly through my hair.

"Fine..." I glare at him and he smiles down at me.

"I knew you would give in"

"Yaya, whatever" I huff and quickly kiss him on the cheek. "I will see you tonight then"

* * *

I'm wearing a dark purple, strapless dress. Its tight and he hem falls to the middle if my thigh. I'm wearing a pair of gold heals and my hair falls to about my shoulders. I'm not happy that it's this short, but it will grow.

The night has been going well. So far. I keep having this weird feeling that something will go wrong at any moment.

Zoe hands me a drink with a goofy smile. Her eyes are slightly blood shot and her words are slurred. "Av, you look super pretty! This is fun! Isn't it? Can you get me another drink... or can I have the one I just have you"

I raise an eyebrow at her. "Zoe, you've had enough to drink. I don't think I've ever seen you this drunk before"

She frowns at me. "I've been really stressed! I want another drink" I shake my head. "fine, Zayn will get me another drink then!" Zayn who's standing a few feet away turns at the sound of his name.

He walks up and wraps an arm around Zoe. "What's going on?" he gently kisses Zoe on the forehead and she smiles brightly.

"Can you get me another drink?"

He looks to me and raises an eyebrow. Somehow I just know he's asking me if she's drunk. I cross my hands over my chest and nod.

"Zoe, love, I don't think you should drink any more. How about a water?"

"Ugh! You guys are so unfair" she scoffs. She stumbles off and Zayn follows her, giving me a small smile before he turn around.

I look around for Harry. He was here a few moments ago. After wandering around the house for a while, I find myself walking to the backyard. And there is non other than Harry. He leans back in a chair with a beer in his hands.

"Harry" he looks up at me and a warm smile crosses his face.

"Hey babe, where've you been?"

"Looking for you" I state. I sit down on his lap and take the beer from his hand, gently placing it on the small table beside us. "what are you doing out here?"

He shrugs. "I just kind of felt like it. It was getting stuffy in there...." he looks around and lowers his head, as if thinking really hard. Finally he looks up and grins at me. "why don't we get out if here?" he asks.

"I'm driving"

"Why? I've only had two beers"

"Two beers or not, you've been drinking and I'm going to drive." I stand up and he follows me.

I take his hand as we walks towards his car in the moonlight. The air is muggy and warm. I get into the drivers seat and start the car. Harry lazily rests his hands behind his head and closes his eyes, not bothering to put on his seat belt.

"Seatbelt" I remind him.

"It's only a few minutes-"

"Seatbelt" I repeat, this time more annoyed.

"Fine..." he mutters. I wait until I hear the soft click if his seatbelt and the. Take off.

* * *

I pull into my driveway and he looks up. "why are we at your house? I thought we were going to go to my house"

"My parents aren't home" I state.

"What if they come home?"

I shrug. "then they come home. They shouldn't be home till much later. They said they are going out to eat and then a party with some friends" Harry nods and we walk into my house.

We walk down stairs plop down on the couch. Harry rest his head back and we sit in the faint glow of the lamp. Silence falls between us, and I stare at the pictures on the wall.

"I told you it would be fun" I laugh and rest my head on his shoulder. "Admit it. I was right"

"You were right" I say, not really meaning it.

"Do I get a reward-"

At this I throw my head back laughing. "oh my gosh! Are you serious?" I say holding my stomach.

"What's so funny?" he pouts.

"You're so cheesy! 'do I get a reward?' my god Harry"

"Just answer my question!"

I don't think about what's happening at all. I just nod my head and lean closer. My fingers gently trace the tattoos on his arms. He gently stops my motions by putting his hand on mine. Harry leans in and presses his lips to mine.

My fingers slowly entangle themselves in his curls. His arms snake around my waist pulling me closer to him. I take one hand from his hair and slowly lift up the hem of his shirt. My fingers lightly trail up his toned abs. Harry desperately tries to deepen the kiss more.

I know what he wants, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to give it too him. His hands slowly unzip my dress and it falls to my waist.


The moment he here's his name he stops all movement. He looks away, his cheek bright red. "I'm sorry..." he mutters. He knows how I've always felt about this. He always stops himself before we go too far, but at the moment I wish I hadn't stopped him.

"No... I mean... Don't stop..." my face feels hot and I see a small smirk form on his soft lips. We continue... He leave small kisses in my neck and all I hear is our heavy breathes.

All I hear is... Footsteps..?


I don't know. This is sort of a cliff hanger. Sorry if this chapter is a little boring. Also, I'm thinking that the next chapter will be the last. If you want me to make a second one let me know, otherwise it will just kind of be done with. :) I'm boy sure if you'll like the ending of this one it not.

If I do decide to make a second one, I will be sure to let you know! Don't offer to favorite and comment and follows us if you'd like! Thanks lovelies!

P.s. The last chapter will be called Where's My Happy Ending?

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