Chapter 5: The Begining

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I hate the fact that the week went by so slow. But Friday is finally here!

The moment I get home I quickly do all of my homework before meeting Zoe and Niall at the same corner we always meet at.

"I'm ready!" I shout skating towards them.

"You better be! Did you talk to your mom about next week?" Zoe asks.

I shake my head. "Ah! I forgot! I'll ask her as soon as possible!" Next Friday, aka the last day of school there's going to be a huge party going on.

"Lets get going." Niall says skating past us.

Zoe gives me a nudge with her elbow. "So... Has anything new happened? With Harry, I mean..." She teases.

I smile. "Zoe, nothing's going on between us. We're just friends, and I haven't seen him since last week."

"Av! You need a boyfriend! Besides, you two would be super cute!"

"Have you forgotten he has a girlfriend?"

"No. But, his current girlfriend is the queen of bitches! Besides, when's the last time you had a boyfriend?"

I frown. "Maybe two years ago... What does that have to do with anything?"

"You've gone too long without a boyfriend!" Zoe protests.

I roll my eyes. "You're so dramatic."

"Guys! you coming or what?" Niall shouts from down the street.


When we get to the skate park, I go straight to the concession stand.

I told my mom I'd be out late tonight, so I was having dinner here. I buy ice tea and a cheeseburger.

I see a free seat near Harry, so I take a seat across from him at a picnic table. He looks up from his fries to me. "Hey." He says.

"Hey." I suddenly realized Laura wasn't there. "Where's your girlfriend?"

"Tonight's family night for her. They do it once a month or something, so she's not here... Thank god..." He mutters.

I lean forward. "You don't seem to like her. She's your girlfriend, you should like her."

"Oh please! She's the most annoying human being ever! I'm only dating her because her daddy paid me..." He suddenly freezes. He didn't mean to say that. But, its too late now.

"He paid you?" I ask in shock. Who does that? It's wrong. So wrong.

"Don't tell anyone!" He warns. I pretend to 'zip my lips' and he continues. "She wanted to date me. So her dad paid me. I get a good amount of money for everyday I date her."

I furrow my eyebrows. "That's not right..."

He smacks his forehead. "No shit! It's so wrong!"

"If you don't like her, break up with her. No offense, but she's a total bitch..." I whisper across the table.

He laughs. "Trust me, I know! She's so clingy too..."

I suddenly find myself staring into his green eyes, and admiring him... His hair... His tattoos... Everything.

"Why are you staring at me?" I jump and shake my head. Shit. He caught me staring at him. Not good!

"I wasn't!" I protest.

He laughs. "Uh-huh... So, are you going to the party next week?"

I shrug. "Possibly. My mom is probably going to be a little uneasy about it, but I think she's going to say yes! How bout you?"

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