Casual Affair

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I've been through a lot of shit, but I have some amazing friends and an amazing girlfriend who will always be there for me. They've been there every day I've broken down and every sleepless night, and I feel like I don't thank them enough.

Friends near and far, thank you.

beebobinski - You were the first person I made friends with in middle school, but what you don't know is that I was terrified. Bullying was always a common things for me, but I can relate to you so much I never really feel alone anymore. We've both dealt with the insomnia, self esteem issues, depression, anxiety, body image issues, but we went through those things together. You'll always be my partner in crime and the only person I know that's taller than me.

CrazyBandAddict - We don't really talk as much as we should and truly, we sometimes don't know shit about each other. You've always been nice as fuck, especially when I was coming to terms with my sexuality and my parents were being really terrible about it. You're probably the only one who can get all of my band references and talk forever about Patrick Stump's thighs, and for that I'll be forever grateful.

Silver_Galaxy890 - You're really the only person I know who likes anime, and you're really who got me into it in the first place. Sarcasm is our specialty, and Chorus was never boring with you. You're the one who got me into Wattpad in the first place and that's probably one of the best things I've ever done.

petewentzisdead - We don't know each other personally, not even outside of Wattpad, but your books have gotten me through some rough days and insomnia filled nights. A while ago when I was dealing with some stuff with my parents and my sexuality, you wrote me a note that just made my heart swell. Thank you, and though I hate to say this here, I will actually saw off my own limb for you to update Outlaws. (No, but seriously, that book is everything)

My girlfriend, Bri, who doesn't have Wattpad - Oh my god where do I even start here. At the risk of sounding totally cliché, you put me back together when I was heartbroken. That may sound disgustingly cheesy, but someone really hurt me a really long time ago and that didn't feel the best. I didn't want to be vulnerable anymore and I isolated myself, but I didn't really have a choice when I found you in my treehouse wearing a shirt from my favorite band, which is obviously TØP. You helped me with so much, specifically taking care of myself, which is something I'm really terrible at. I'm not gonna do what I really want and embrace the cliché by listing all of the little things you do that actually make me have a heart attack, but when you do that little smile where your tongue sticks out of the corner of your mouth I think I can die happy.

P.S. How the fuck can I convince you to get Wattpad?

How_to_ship - You told me a little while ago that you look up to me, and I have no idea why you would choose me of all people. You constantly give me feedback and I see you leaving the sweetest comments on every fanfic I make. Sometimes on the bad days I'll see one of your comments and my teeth will actually rot out of my mouth you're so sweet! This is one of those "I barely know you" situations, but I feel like you've been my friend my whole life.

PhanAndFlowerCrowns & 20_dollar_romance - I'm putting you two together because you're actually the cutest couple I've ever seen. Both of you are constantly supportive, and also extremely goals. When I thought my girlfriend had to move away you two showed me how amazing long distance can be if you put in the effort. Both of you crack me up with your comments and you two are the cutest little love birds on Wattpad.

   That's definitely not everyone who means a lot to me, so I'll make a part two some time later.


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