Slightly Embarassing Thoughts To Be Published At The End Of This Book

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• wedding ring around the rosary
pocket full of gas
ashes, ashes
burn him down to hell and back
married to a beauty queen
turned his smile to kerosine
drown him with some gasoline
dead and gone, don't make a scene

• Books give trees a life after death.

• Relationships are like coffee. If they aren't taken care of right after they're created, they can get cold and people will make new ones. Still, you can warm them up after they get cold, but they aren't the same.

• you look so alive with out me weighing down your dreams
But if you ever wanted something then I'd go stitch up the seams
She's twenty miles downtown with someone you've never seen
But you could always do with her the same thing you did with me
If you ever did love someone, you'd do good to let them be.

• Poetry is all the words you can't say that get trapped in your lungs trying to rhyme so they can implant themselves in your brain until you write them down and feel self conscious because of them.

• I want words to make me feel like I'm dying and slither underneath my skin and flow through my veins and sting and make everything hurt more than living does to drown out the pain.

• Sometimes feeling worthless is what pushes you to do something worth everything. Sometimes feeling breathless is what encourages you to breathe. Sometimes feeling unloved is what makes you able to love.

• I never was truly scared until I scared the one I love.

• There are a few things in this world that are beautiful enough to make life worth living, and if you love someone they become one of them.

• Call people by their correct pronouns even when they aren't around. Not only are you a blessed person, you get some good Karma too.

• Someone in this world right now is kissing someone else, and there's a chance those two people are both boys or both girls.

• Nerd Words:

Frisson - a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear, a thrill

Advesperascit - the approaching dark, the evening draws near

Hypophrenia - a vague feeling of sadness, seemingly without cause

Hiraeth - a homesickness for a home that you can not return to or a home that never was, the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places in your past

Malevolent - having or showing a desire to do evil to others

Kalopsia - the delusion of things being more beautiful than they are

Oblivion - the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening around you

Repentance - the action of repenting, sincere regret or remorse

Ectopic - occurring in an abnormal position or place, displaced

Yūgen - an awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and mysterious for words

Eccedentesiast - someone who fakes a smile when all they want to do is cry/die/disappear

Wanderlust - the irresistible, incurable desire to travel or wander

thantophobia - the irrational fear of losing someone you love

heliophilia - the desire to stay in the sun, love of sunlight

saudade - the nostalgic longing for something or someone that was loved and then lost, with the knowledge that it or they may never return; "the love that remains"

drapetomania - an overwhelming urge to run away

orphic - mysterious and entrancing beyond ordinary understanding

fescennine - lewd or obscene

elysian - beautiful or creative, divinely inspired, powerful and perfect

viridity - naive innocence

matutine - just before dawn

gerful - wild and wayward

abditory - a place in which you can disappear, a hiding place
louring - adj. darkened by clouds
v. looking angry or sullen

clinomania - excessive desire to stay in bed

kalon - beauty that is more than skin deep

rhapsodic - intensely emotional

nelipot - one who walks barefoot

aesthete - someone with a deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature

basorexia - the overwhelming desire to kiss

hypnerotomachia - the struggle for love in a dream

selcouth - unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous

l'appel du vide - the unexplained desire to jump when on the edge of a cliff

librocubicularist - a person who reads in bed

galeanthropy - the belief that you are a cat

oneirataxia - the inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality

irenic - promoting peace

forelsket - the euphoria you feel when you are first falling in love

lithe - moving in graceful and easy manner

lethologica - when you can't think of the word for something

querencia - a place from which you draw your strength, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self

aleatory - relying on chance or uncontrolled elements in the details of life or the creation of art

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