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This is a video How_to_ship and her friends made me, and I am in tears.

I literally can't describe how overwhelmingly happy it made me to watch this video.

Sometimes things are shitty, but seeing how much you people care is why I wake up in the morning. I don't want to disappoint you or Tyler or Josh or my girlfriend or all the people I care about. I want to keep going and keep inspiring people like you all tell me I do.

I don't know how, but somehow I've created something bigger than myself.

I know that people care about me. I know I am loved. Maybe I'm not loved by a few important people, but I am loved by so many fantastic individuals it doesn't matter.

I want to share this video with you, because everyone deserves to see this message. You all are loved by someone, and you all deserve to have a reason to wake up in the morning.

I may have made a very tiny difference, but today I can truly say I have changed the world.


That's huge, but it wasn't me.

I didn't change anything.

You guys did.

How_to_ship and her friends. Silver_Galaxy890, beebobinski, and CrazyBandAddict who got me to start this. Everyone who commented or read. You.

You did something to change the world and because of you one less person will die.

Wake up tomorrow morning and inspire someone like How_to_ship continues to inspire me. She says she looks up to me, but I have never met such a kind and caring individual willing to do something like that for someone she's never met.

You have made a difference.

Keep going.

I want you all to do something.

Take or draw a picture with the caption or written somewhere something nice, something anti-suicide, or a lovely quote. Send it to me or tag me and post it.

I will put all of them together, and together we can see how many people we can make as happy as that video made me.

Once again, thank you so much How_to_ship for doing that for me. Tell your friends I said thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I want the following people to watch this video and do this challenge:

How_to_ship (literal angel)
petewentzisdead (another angel)
PhanAndFlowerCrowns (those two are the cutest couple)

   Tag others who may want to do this challenge, I will tag people in the comments as I think of them.

   One last thing.

   How_to_ship I know you have bad days too, and though I don't know you very well, please know you are very much loved.

   Stay alive. |-/

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