Flaws Tag

38 4 22

   I was tagged by Silver_Galaxy890 to write my flaws, and I have BDD, so this is gonna be fun.


• overweight
• stretch marks
• scars on my thighs
• acne literally everywhere
• awkward snort-y laugh
• terrible liar
• lies too often
• horrible at taking care of myself
• too easily depressed
• asthma
• scars everywhere else
• way too hairy
• dumb
• awkward as hell
• antisocial
• insomnia
• anxiety
• panic attacks at the worst times
• not normal
• I don't know if not being heterosexual is a flaw, but it is by my parents' standards
• I have a scar on the tip of my nose that makes it dip inward a little
• too tall
• lanky, awkward arms and legs
• uncoordinated
• can't express my feelings without writing them down
• it's too hard to trust people
• self esteem lower than hell
• neck is too wide
• face too round
• nose too big
• eyes weird color
• chin juts out too much
• either too clingy or too distant
• always too late
• never catches the warning signs
• is selfish
• knobby knees
• torso longer than my legs
• weird shaped sort of violin hips
• horrible grades
• eyelashes too short
• unibrow
• split ends
• horrible hair color
• hair never dyed often enough, always faded
• too open or too reserved about my feelings
• morals all jumbled up
• nasty people yell things in my head
• afraid of the night
• afraid of the day
• afraid of what reality really is
• afraid of being abandoned
• afraid I'm not good enough
• I'm not good enough
• worthless
• un-athletic
• unattractive
• a terrible friend
• unworthy of the people I do have in my life
• not paying close enough attention
• too dependent on others
• too dependent on unreliable things for happiness
• can't be happy with just myself
• lots of bad habits, including:
• chewing my lip until it bleeds
• chewing my fingernails
• folding or ripping up scrap paper
• scratching up and down my arms
• chewing on hoodie strings
• I never return things on time
• I never quite understand
• voice is too deep and weird and horrible
• lips are always chapped and too thin
• never works hard enough
• gives up too easily
• starts things and never finishes them
• always too hot or too cold
• sarcastic and joking at the wrong times
• ugly smile
• can't take a hint
• overdramatic
• whiny
• annoying
• ribs are too high up
• fingers too thick and stubby
• dark thoughts
• nothing makes any sense until I write about it
• can't ask for help
• blind when people need me
• turns to all the wrong places to take out anger and depression
• too reliant on music
• can't fit all of them on this list

   That's all for now.

   Sorry to the people I tagged, I didn't wanna ignore my fren but this kinda sucks.


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