Famous Last Words

44 8 10

Reasons I'm Okay:
1. petewentzisdead wrote me a lovely note that made me very happy
2. I'm wearing my girlfriend's hoodie and it smells just like her (roses, lavender, marshmallow, and rain in August)
3. I'm listening to Isle Of Flightless Birds, and it feels like Tyler himself is telling me there's nothing wrong with me for being what my family thinks is wrong and what I was raised to believe is wrong. The message of the song is really helping me.
4. I called my girlfriend and her parents were fine with even the fact we're dating, so even though I'm in a bad situation, the person I care about is okay.
5. I'm wearing the fuzzy socks I got from my dad for my birthday, and that reminds me that my family isn't doing this because they hate me. They were taught wrong, raised on the idea that being different is a sin, and that's what they were conditioned to believe. If they ever can overcome this, I know they still love me.
6. My soul knows good and evil, my soul knows both sides, and it's time I pick my battle
7. I promise you this is mine

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