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A child, no older than four years old, was stumbling across the village, trying desperately to get away from the crowd of civilians. "Where's Inu-San. He said that he would protect me and-." He wonders stopping when he noticed that he ran into a dead end.

"Well, what do we have here?" The owner of a mask shop asks.

"We have the demon that destroyed Konoha, trapped like a deer." The owner of a restaurant replies.

"What do you think we'll get for a corpse?" A doctor asks.

"He'll make us kings." The mask shop owner replies.

"He'll give us the best of ninja to protect us from anything, bowing to our every whim." A shipping trader responds.

They started with the simple things in life, the simple yet enjoyable way to etch words into a child's skin. They used dull blades to slowly carve out the words, taking care to damage the tissue, but not to overtake the bodies pain limit, the wouldn't want Naruto going into shock while they did this, because the screams are the best part. The crowd was not one of creativity, they mainly etched these words and repeated them. They carved, Demon, Devil, Monster, Killer, Suffer, Your Mother's a slut, Your father's a deadbeat, Your parents abandoned you, You'd deserve death, but it's too good for you. The boy felt extreme pain during this, not enough to send him into a shock of course, but enough to send him through spiraling pain throughout the event, almost wondering who had enough time to cut up a child for a few hours.

The child's face glistened with fear; he noticed that a Shinobi had arrived, not for him, but for them. The child quickly understood his position. His chance of fleeting was immediately crashed, and whatever chance he had of surviving was done. He realized that nothing would change, he would die, his body hidden, and nobody would even attempt to find the corpse. Resigning himself to his fate, he prepared himself for pain and happily embraced the thought of being released into death's hand.

Even with thoughts of the end grounding out his mind, he still thought about meeting the Sandaime at the Hokage building at six. He knew he wasn't going to speak with the Sandaime, as he would die tonight. He hadn't figured out why the Sandaime had grown interested with him, and it dawned on him, that he never will. He remembered all the times that disappointment and sorrow filled the Sandaime's eyes, all because of him. 'The Sandaime will be better off without me' he rationalized.

-_____-Unknown time later-_____-

He woke up to see white, the dazzling light. He instantly thought this was how heaven looked. But he knew that he didn't deserve heaven, so he moved around his head, waiting to see the hell that he was trapped in. He wondered if he would meet his parents in this hell, whether they were against him or with him in his eternal torturing, he didn't care, as long as he knew who his parents were. He was so elated that a chuckle escaped his lips. The boy sat, waiting for something to happen, anything to happen, but everything remained utterly still.

"Naruto, I have some questions for you." The Sandaime announces, startling Naruto.

Naruto's mind instantly started wondering what happened, and how he would have survived, he had, unsavory, to say the least, flashbacks, that entered him back into the world of pain. The feeling of dread and uselessness, mixed with his physical injuries, it's like a poisonous wine, that no one wanted to drink, but forced Naruto to down it in one gulp. He looked into the mirror, his body shaking from how he looked, he didn't want this, nobody deserved this. The dread came back, making him realize that he was nothing but a play toy for the villagers.


Hey guys, it's ForgottenOrange, hello. This is my first "Chapter" of this story, that was uploaded, I'm currently going through my story, editing chapters on my way to getting a better book to post to more websites. A bit of backstory, I've updated, this chapter alone, an astonishing four times (as you would know, the edits I did while making it, before publishing, and after without telling would be far higher) and yeah, it's been a fun road since this was originally uploaded.

Original upload date. 10/8/16

First Edit. 1/21/17

Second edit 3/3/17

Third edit 7/1/17

Fourth (and hopefully final) edit 12/6/17



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