Chapter 36

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Pre-story note, I'm sorry if the story looks odd, but I tend to doubt what I'm doing, sorry for the inconvenience.

-_-Third Person Point of View-_-

"Summon Uchiha Itachi," Hiruzen commanded to a random shinobi.

"Hai Hokage-Sama." Jounin states.

-_-Minutes later. -_-

"Uchiha-San, the Sandaime Hokage has summoned you for a meeting." The Jounin repeats, looking at the powerhouse.

"Thank you, Shinobi-San. Do you know what the meeting is about?" Itachi asks.

"I'm sorry Uchiha-San, Hokage-Sama hasn't told me the purpose of this meeting." The Jounin answers.

"It's no problem to you Shinobi-San, thank you for helping." Itachi states before using Shunshin to get to the Hokage's tower.

"He's got to be the hardest person to hold a conversation with." The Jounin mumbles, walking towards his home.

-_- Hokage Tower -_-

"Welcome Itachi, I have important business to talk to you about," Hiruzen states, looking at Itachi.

"Thank you Hokage-Sama. Is this meeting regarding Naruto?" Itachi questions.

"Why would you think that Itachi," Hiruzen asks with his trademark grandfather smile.

"Well, I would assume you noticed that Naruto has been acting differently. Like a few days ago his sibling and teammate, Uchiha Sasuke said unkind words about Naruto, and the Uchiha clan, and proceeded to try to fight on hand Jounin Uchiha Shisui. Sasuke lost, and as a result, Shisui is keeping Sasuke at the Uchiha clan compound, to make sure Sasuke didn't interact with anyone in his destructive state. Shisui and I fear that Naruto heard Sasuke's rant, and as such we have been trying to see if Naruto has gone to anyone he trusts to tell them. I thought he might have told you and that's why you summoned me." Itachi explains, still in his kneeling position.

"That's a worrisome situation, but I wanted you here for other matters." Hiruzen states.

"Is something the matter?" Itachi asks.

"Itachi, I know it's still soon after Orochimaru killed them, but can you tell me how the Uchiha clan fell?" Hiruzen questions.

"Okay, Hokage-Sama. I was busy fighting a mercenary they bought. A person named, Juzo Biwa, as I fought Juzo, a person named Kabuto Yakushi went through the Uchiha compound, slaughtering everyone he saw. Shisui told me he was fighting a person named, Deidara, who was using bomb techniques. I believe that Kabuto kept the eyes of the bodies, as most of them were missing their eyes. Adding on that, I fear that Orochimaru has gained the Sharingan and will be a tougher opponent to most shinobi in this village. I believe that my father put up a good fight against Kabuto, or he was fighting someone else when Kabuto snuck up behind him and killed him. As of now, I don't know the specifics of my father." Itachi reports.

"My apologies for bringing up bad memories, and thank you for telling me the information even though you are hurting, I appreciate how strong you can appear at your weakest times." Hiruzen thanks, his signature smile on his face.

"Is that all Hokage-Sama?" Itachi asks.

"No. I have deemed Senju Tsunade, mentally unfit to be the Hokage. We cannot have a known drinker, and someone who abuses her lowers, as the Hokage. It could end horribly if Tsunade signed off on a war against Kumogakure while in a drunken stupor. We can't have that which is why I took Tsunade off the list of potential Hokage candidates." Hiruzen explains.

"And why would this bother me, as disrespectful as this may sound, but I heavily dislike the woman, she hasn't proved herself to love the village, and I agree with you on vetoing her becoming Hokage, but I still don't see how this regards to me," Itachi states, looking at the Sarutobi.

"Itachi my boy, I have chosen you to be the fifth Hokage, as I can't think of anyone more level headed and as strong you are. You were S rank by age eleven, and you sacrificed anything you could for this village, you sacrificed all your free time, and you still haven't let the loss of your family stop you from being at the top of your game. Your thoughts are always clear and concise no matter where you are currently, and you always are thinking about the endgame. You also care about peace in the world and dislike wars as much as me, and the previous Hokage's have, you like the Yondaime want to protect the village, and with your quick strategy making, I can't think of any fight or political debate that you won't be able to lose. You will stand above the rest as their emotions blind themselves and you stand with a clear head. Itachi I would like to announce you as the Godaime Hokage." The Sandaime announces with pride in his voice.

"Are you sure you want me as Hokage?" Itachi questions, a bit of shock showing on his usually emotionless face.

"Yes, and I know there is nobody better as an option." The Sandaime states smiling cheerfully.

"Then I accept the position of Hokage," Itachi states, a small smile adorning his face.

"Good choice." The Sandaime states with a slight smirk.

"When will I start with the paperwork?" Itachi asks.

"You will begin the day after tomorrow, good luck dealing with the paperwork and your family problems." Hiruzen wishes.

"If that's all, then I'll take my leave," Itachi states leaving.

"What a sucker." Hiruzen thinks to himself chuckling slightly.

"Hiruzen my boy, you're the first Hokage to choose to people to be Hokage, the rest of us just died so we wouldn't have to deal with paperwork in the case our successor dies as yours did." Tobirama states.

"Thank Sensei your words of wisdom always seem to get me to a better place," Hiruzen responds.

The Anbu watching the Sandaime looked at him as he was crazy, which he probably was at this point. "Minato it's been a while, how's the Shinigami been?" Hiruzen asks.

"It's still me Hiruzen." Tobirama states.


"You have only updated once in the past three months, and none of those times included me. How dare you?" Kurama asks enraged.

"Well you see, you killed my favorite character?" The author retorts, questioning if his "answer" was enough.

"Now you're just making excuses." Kurama accused.

"Fair enough. So I'm going to work on the next chapter now, so the wait for it is less, bye." The author states backtracking.


Early aren't I, you guys probably thought I was going to take two months on this chapter, but I did better, and I did it in less time. Only three months since the last episode and dear lord does that make me sad. None the less I hope you guys somehow enjoy this and continue reading and waiting for my short updates after an extended period. Sincerely, ForgottenOrange.

Finished 11/7/17

Published 11/7/17

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