Chapter 17.

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-_____- Previously -_____-

"Don't be too sad Jiji, I bet someone will take the seat soon and hand it over to me." The blonde replied teasingly.

"I hope that you will be the next running Hokage, you are after all the only person in the race to become Hokage." The Sandaime replied.

"Well then you will have to last a little longer for any type of results in that area." The blonde replied laughing.

"That I will." The Sandaime replied.

"So how is everyone?" The blonde asked.

-_____- Third Person Point of View -_____-

"Everyone and everything is different." The Sandaime replied. 

"Hows Fugaku and Hizashi?" The blonde questioned.

"Fugaku is going through hard times due to a death in his family but he is doing well all in all." The Sandaime slipped, immediately cursing himself.

"Who died?" The blonde asked wanting to know who died in his friends small circle of loved ones. 

"His adoptive son." Replied the Sandaime.

"Fugaku adopting someone. Oh god I never thought I would see the day. So who was the lucky- um unlucky child?" The blonde questioned.

"The unpredictable genius blonde, your very own son Namikaze Naruto." The Sandaime's mood plummeted as he announced the news.

"Naruto... died?" The blonde Hokage asked.

"Yes he ended up sacrificing himself for his adoptive Sasuke to survive." The Sandaime explained heartbroken.

"My son died protecting someone he loved." The Yondaime stated bursting with both pride and sorrow. 

"Sasuke and the rest of the Uchiha's are mourning his death along with the rest of the village." The Sandaime stated.

"Is that why the villagers didn't answer my questions?" The Yondaime questioned.

"Yes, they most likely thought that you showed up in a figurative way to laugh at them and ridicule them for losing the most precious thing to you, your son." The Sandaime explained. 

"Who killed him then?" The Yondaime asked.

"Zabuza's student Haku." The Sandaime replied.

"What are their conditions?" The Yondaime questioned.

"Dead, Haku by Sasuke and Zabuza by his Jounin team leader." The Sandaime informed.

"Who is their squad leader?" The Yondaime asked.

"Hatake Kakashi your former student." The Sandaime replied.

"So you felt like giving both Namikaze's silver haired teachers." The Yondaime joked.

"We both know that Jiraiya has white hair." The Sandaime replied.

"I know, but you made his teacher a student of mine, I was a student of Jiraiya, and Jiraiya was a student of you making a long list of people who have enough status to become Hokage or who are already Hokage's." Minato states. 

"It's a good way to get the Daimyo's blessing for the next Hokage because if they were trained by a Hokage or a Hokage's student for example one of the genius of his generation Kakashi training the only Namikaze after being trained by the Hokage version of the Namikaze would have increased the chances of Naruto being accepted as Hokage." The Sandaime finished off Minato's train of thought. 

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