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-___-Naruto's POV-___-

I arrived two hours after the recommended time of arrival. I ate well; I filled my plate with a nutritional treat that would allow me to continue growth. "Yo guys. We need a plan to beat the silver-headed bastard." I state, appearing behind Hinata and Sasuke, earning a slight jump from both of them.

"Naruto we left together two hours ago! How in Kami's grace are you just arriving?" Sasuke questions.

"I had to go get myself food. Then I went and grabbed Kakashi's book "Icha Icha." I laughed at his form for a few minutes, and then I arrived." I state smiling.

"B-but that was-" Sasuke starts.

"This brings me to the plan. Since I have retrieved his "Icha Icha" book, I believe that we may be able to use it as a hostage. However, knowing that Kakashi is a Jounin, I do not doubt that he will be able to take it from any of us. Sasuke, you will prepare to use your Katon: Gokakyuu no jutsu. " I explain, ignoring Sasuke's question.

"But you know it too." Sasuke interrupts.

"Then I will use my Futon: Daitoppa which will augment your jutsu. Kakashi will avoid the jutsu one way or another. This is where Hinata will step in; she will aim to strike Kakashi in either arm, disabling his chakra use in that arm. Preferably the right arm, however, if it is the left hand then it will work just as well. Sasuke and I will again use our combo jutsu, Kakashi will use the Kawarimi to escape our jutsu. From there, we will have to wing it." I explain, again ignoring my brother.

"Why do you keep ignoring me?" Sasuke asks.

"That plan should work. Good job Naruto-Kun." Hinata states, a smile playing on her lips.

"Is everyone ignoring me?" Sasuke questions.

"Thanks, Hinata, now it's time for us to become a better team than the bloody Sannin!" I yell.

Soon enough Kakashi showed up. "Naruto, what did you do with my book?" He asks, thinly veiled hatred oozing from his words.

Sasuke and I start doing hand seals. " Kakashi. I'll give you one chance, pass us, or your book will get burned." I warn.

He quickly uses a quickly executed Shunshin to appear in front of me. Immediately after snatching the book away, Kakashi stood back to where he started. However, Sasuke and I finished the hand seals to our jutsu. "Futon: Daitoppa." I softly whisper, hearing Sasuke yell out his own.

A magnificent blue appeared in front of us; I felt heat exude from the fireball, as it flew towards Kakashi. Kakashi's one eye widened slightly. He quickly used a Kawarimi to get away. Hinata jumped towards Kakashi, her hands aiming to disable his right arm. Seeing her clear intentions, Kakashi grabbed Hinata's wrists, widening both of her arms out, before his arms suddenly reappeared in front of him, pushing Hinata backward. Unable to keep steady, Hinata fell off the tree. I felt my body blur with unimaginable speed. The moment my eyes opened again, Hinata was safely in my grasp.

I set Hinata down on the ground, allowing her to catch her breath. Kakashi felt it before I realized I moved. My fist slammed into Kakashi's stomach; I felt his ribs shatter under the force of my punch. I enjoyed it. How did I enjoy it? Why did I enjoy it? I felt another one of his ribs crack under my fist. I almost missed looking into a single red eye.

A calmness soothed the eagerness to break more ribs. I felt like I was in control again. The speed of my body was in my domain. But I felt weaker than before. I nearly collapsed, yet I stood back up. I had bells to grab. Sasuke fired off his fireball again. Getting Kakashi to move away from me. Sasuke stood next to me. His eyes were looking at me with uncertainty.

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