Chapter 22

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-_____-Third Person Point of View -_____-

Namikaze Minato sat in the Hokage office, preparing for the upcoming war. The semi-invasion on Sunagakure was a complete success, to the point where Kumo, Iwa, and Kiri stopped their pursuit on Konoha for a few years. Now though, Konoha will be going against three of the Elemental Nations, after obliterating Sunagakure. It made historians chuckle by the fact that it took three Elemental Nations to bring a smaller peaceful country as in Uzushiogakure and Konoha straight up destroyed a Elemental Nation by themselves with three known shinobi. The root  Anbu were not said to be in the fight even though they killed around 300 citizens and shinobi alike. 

"Dark times will be coming for the world." Minato states with his back towards his sensei.

"Yes they will be." Jiraiya responds chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?" Minato asks sharply.

"I find it funny that the 'Great Toad Sage' said that one of my students would save or ruin the world and you come back to life, then disturb the balance of the nations by your mere presence, and that causes a war on Konoha by all of the remaining Elemental Nations, and destroy an Elemental Nation." Jiraiya explains.

"So you think I'm..." Minato states leaving Jiraiya to figure the rest out.

"I always thought that you were the child of prophecy, but I never thought you would bring destruction to the world." Jiraiya states chuckling slightly at the end.

"I never thought I would amount to anything, but I had a goal and that goal-" Minato starts only to be cut off.

"I don't want a life story" Jiraiya interrupts. 

"Ruining the mood Jiraiya, ruining the mood Jiraiya." Minato states.

"I don't want to hear something that will take away from my precious research." Jiraiya states with a lecherous grin.

"Jiraiya of the Sannin, I the Hokage, order you to not peak until the end of the war." Minato ordered of the his Sensei.

"You are so cruel." Jiraiya states with tears rolling down his eyes in waves. 

"I'm just doing what I have to do as Hokage." Minato responds.

"Well it's still not something you should do to your Sensei." Jiraiya states as if he was scolding a child.

"Have you heard anything from Tsunade?" Minato asks ignoring Jiraiya's last comment. 

"Yes, it seems like she will be back any time today." Jiraiya responds seriously. 

"Good because we will need her for the upcoming war." Minato states.

"You've already told me this." Jiraiya states.

"I know, I just thought that you'd have forgotten with your old age." Minato teases. 

"You're not being nice today." Jiraiya states jokingly. 

"I'm trying to be prepared for Tsunade." Minato jokes back.

"You're going to have to be strong willed when talking to her." Jiraiya warns.

"I know." Minato replies.

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