Chapter 13

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-____-Flashback (Naruto's Point of view)-____-

Sasuke getting hit would be bad. I need to think of something and fast. Maybe if I overload the substitution jutsu then my body and Sasuke's body would replace the other. Then I would receive all of the senbon on his body and then he will no longer die. 'Kawarimi no Jutsu.' I think before being impacted with the senbon.

-____-Now ( Sasuke's Point of View) -____-

I look at Haku realizing that I was no longer on the ground about to be hit by senbon. What saved me from the senbon? Do I want to know? Curiosity killed the cat, but since I'm not a cat I'm going to look. I turn my head trying to not take too long, because in a fight with Haku I cannot be caught unaware. I see Naruto? Why isn't he moving? Did Haku paralyze him? "Naruto you okay?" I ask Naruto.

He didn't respond, he didn't even flinch. "What did you do to him!?" I demand enraged.

"Is this your first time seeing a friend's death?" Haku asks with indifference laced into his voice. 

"Y-You k- killed him?..." I ask with disbelieve.

"So it is." Haku replies. 

"I'll kill you." I yell.

Haku is coming from the right side, why is he so slow. I move up my arm, which was armed with a kunai, to block all approaching senbon. His broken mask looked shocked for a moment but I kept going. I saw all of his moves and I could actually counterattack every once in a while. Over all it felt great. Eventually I grab Haku by his throat. "Why shouldn't I kill you?" I ask angered.

"There is no reason, I have failed Zabuza-Sama, therefor I am no longer of use." Haku states.

I look at him for a second before I snap his neck without remorse. I look over and see Kakashi finishing Zabuza off with his fabled Chidori. After Kakashi kills Zabuza Gato appears. "Well looky what we have here. A bunch of brats killed the so called demon of the mist. Whoever kills them gets double pay." Gato states releasing the hordes of people upon us.

We fought through all of them, leaving only blood in our wake, as we destroyed everything an anything that dared to oppose us, Konoha ninja's who just lost a friend and out for revenge . After we killed them all, Hinata actually didn't kill anyone but that doesn't matter, we return to Naruto's body. One of the only people to be adopted into the main house of the Uchiha. I look at him, tears threatening to leave my face. "I say we name it the great Naruto bridge, for the fact that this young shinobi gave his life for this bridge to be created." Tazuna announced receiving nods of approval. 

Once the bridge is done we shall return to Konoha and give Naruto a proper burial. He shall be remembered, he already has a bridge in his name right? All I can hope is that he gets the rest he so rightfully deserves. 

-_____-Later (Third Person Point of View)-_____-

The Sandaime Hokage got ready for his weekly time off when he saw most of team Seven enter his office. "Hello." The Sandaime greeted.

"Hokage-Sama we are here to give you our reports on team Seven's C rank mission turn A bordering S rank mission, in which Uzumaki Naruto died." Kakashi states.

"Naruto... is dead?" The Sandaime asks shocked. 

"Yes the medic ninja had said that it was far too late for him." Kakashi replied trying to keep his calm facade.

The Sandaime Hokage didn't reply, he just sat on his chair trying to procedures what happened. "Tell me everything!" The Sandaime demanded. 

Kakashi, being the Jounin leader of team Seven explained how everything went down, with Sasuke helping fill out the blanks about what happened inside the ice mirrors. When Kakashi had stopped the Sarutobi was in a deep thought thinking about how Kami likes to beat him into a bloody pulp sometimes. Kakashi however was thinking along the lines of how he failed his sensei by allowing Naruto to die, even though he couldn't really even do anything. Eventually the Sandaime called the meeting off and told his secretary to start funeral arrangements for the son of the Yondaime Hokage. 

-_____- A few days later -_____-

The funeral was out near the memorial rock. Kakashi took a glance at the rock and instantly saw Naruto's name, then he looked for Obito's, then Rin's, Then Kushina's, and finally Minato's names. He allowed his grief to take control, because he wears a mask... "Hello everyone. I am happy you all are here, although the reason we are all here is less than unsatisfactory." The Sandaime started.

"I have called everyone here to mourn the passing of the Yondaime's legacy Uzumaki Naruto. I feel that if he had lived a few more years he could have changed everyone, for good or bad no one knows. When I was reading the report to his last mission I couldn't help but laugh at his ideas to mess with the family that he was staying with at the time, it was almost as if he knew he was going to die and wanted to go out in a bang, saving Uchiha Sasuke, getting a bridged name after him, and of course completing the mission. Naruto truly would have been an astonishing shinobi who could have been compared to even the Shodai Hokage. Naruto was a genius among genius's at times. He once beat Kakashi in a game of shogi without losing a piece. He dodge Uchiha Itachi's attacks for 20 minutes before he got hit due to Itachi trapping him in a five layered Genjutsu and even then Itachi barely touched him. When it was originally said in the report that he died I though Kakashi was lying to me and Naruto had made a evil prank to get back at me for not buying him ramen or something among the likes." The Sandaime described. 

-_____-The next day -_____-

A man no older than 35 walked into the village hidden in the leafs. The guards deciding not to even try to confront him. Knowing that they had no chance and that their was no purpose because he was invited anyway.

-____- Fin -_____-

( 1119 words ) I'm sorry for not adding an Omake but I thought that this chapter went through with enough, and was too god dang long to make an Omake. I hope that you guys enjoyed it anyway though. I hope to see you all in the next update. - The ForgottenOrange

Finished. 3/16/17

Published 3/17/17

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