Chapter 24

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-_____-Naruto's Point of View-_____-

"So we are going to get a new mission today." I state.

"Yeah we will have to because we haven't taken a mission for two months." Sasuke states staring at me. 

"Actually we did around 400 D rank missions." I reply.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asks.

"Well since we all wanted to be paid me for ramen I created hundreds of shadow clones who completed D rank missions during the day." I explain.

"So I will be getting paid for 400 D rank missions soon?" Sasuke asks dumbfounded. 

"Yeah." I reply coolly gaining back my mindset from years earlier.

"So what is our next mission?" Sasuke asks.

"We are actually not going on a mission." I respond.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke questions.

"Well we are going to be put into the Chuunin exams to show the might of Konoha hasn't deterred, seeing as how I am the strongest Genin since before my father." I state proudly.

"So where is Hinata?" Sasuke asks.

"I don't know, probably at her home." I reply seriously.

"Naruto your turning completely serious again." Sasuke warns.

"Sorry I'm just getting a bad feeling about this Chuunin exams that I can't deter." I state maintaining the seriousness in my voice.

"Do you think you should tell the Sandaime?" Sasuke asks.

"I will after our team meeting." I reply.

"Hey Hinata-Chan." I greet when Hinata arrives.

"Hey Naruto-Kun." Hinata replies to me.

"How ya doing Hinata-Chan?" I ask.

"Are you guys dating?" Sasuke asks, causing Hinata and I to blush. 

"No. This is a mutual relationship through teammates, we have been using these honorary terms as a way to show respect and equality through this team." I reply seriously. 

"Jesus, I was not expecting a serious answer." Sasuke states slightly shocked.

"I warned you that I am getting a bad feeling about the upcoming Chuunin exams. Me doing something that is not serious would take effort, even blushing took my will to complete." I reply.

"I wasn't truly thinking that was the extent of your bad feeling." Sasuke replies.

"Well this isn't truly just a bad feeling, this is me predicting something bad is going to happen when the Chuunin exams springs by." I state maintaining my serious face.

"Hello kids." Kakashi greets.

"If you call us kids again, I will END YOU!" I warn with a kunai at his neck.

"Is something wrong with him?" Kakashi asks.

"So beating up Kakashi is serious business?" Sasuke asks confused.

"If he refers to us as children then in my rights as a shinobi, I am able to bring this foolhardy person down a peg, if he thinks that he is stronger than this team, even though he stopped personal training to due 'guilt and mourning' which isn't an excuse for possibly killing innocents because he didn't train. The only decent thing about Kakashi is, that instead of leaving the village like a Senju Tsunade did he stayed in the village and tried to protect the village his teammates and teacher died to protect, albeit terribly." I explain to Sasuke.

"So basically you're hating on Kakashi because he thinks he's all that when he stopped training." Sasuke repeats.

"In the simplest form yes." I agree.

"I'm still stronger than you." Kakashi tries.

"I could beat you by myself should the need arise, but I don't see why I would waste my precious training time to beat a wimpy, lost, and oh so unfortunate child." I taunt.

"You should respect your elders." Kakashi yells.

"You should respect the hopes of my father, your father, Obito, and Rin, and better yourself. You are around the age of 24, you have yet to truly reach your prime, so train hard and reach it, or this genius will surpass everything you have done and will do." I inform.

"Bringing them into this was unneeded Naruto." Sasuke states.

"Kakashi if you were our age you would be more useless than Haruno Sakura, never training, never trying to better yourself. No wonder everyone thinks Gai is S rank while you're still A rank." I further.

"You don't speak-" Kakashi starts.

"About things I don't know, is that what you were going to say. I can't speak about things I don't know. While I may have been raised under the Uchiha's my father and mother died the day of my birth. I never knew either of them, and my father will never personally train me, for the first four years of my life I was alone and abused by the villagers, something you should have helped with. I could have been instantly adopted by you because you and my father were close enough to have been your parent, and yet you left me to die, you left the son of your Sensei and pseudo father to the demons, to the evils of this world to deal with alone. You are a failure, do not try to deny that fact." I state trying to break him into the ground. 

"I feel like you have talked about this before." Sasuke states.

" I may have but it clearly didn't work." I reply.

"The Chuunin exams are in a week." Kakashi says weakly while using Shunshin to get away.

"Well I need to go talk with the Hokage about things goodbye, Sasuke, goodbye Hinata." I state leaving in a Shunshin of my own.

"Hokage-Sama." I state introducing my presence in a slight bow.

"This must be serious." The Sandaime mumbles.

"That's because I think it is." I state looking at Hiruzen. 

"You think it is." The Sandaime clarifies.

"Yes, I have yet to find out way but I have been getting a bad feeling about the Chuunin exams." I state.

"This is troubling. Jiraiya came yesterday and told me about a possible invasion." Hiruzen states looking troubled.

"I will go back to training to be ready to fight anything." I state getting ready to leave.

"Don't get too cocky now, know that people are stronger than you. Not many people but there are still people who are stronger than you in this world." Hiruzen sagely states as I leave.

-______- Fin -______-

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I hope to see each and every single one of you in the next chapter of this story. (I think I have a problem because I watched SAO abridged completely three times in a row, which is why this chapter is late) -ForgottenOrange

Finished/Published 4/27/17

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