Chapter 28

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-_____- Naruto's Point of View -_____-

We quickly sprint through the gates, trying to target the closest team to our right. "Hinata, how far away are out targets?" I question.

"They are around 250 meters away and moving, we are faster and approaching quickly, so I presume it will only take ten minutes until we catch up to them." Hinata replies.

"What type of scroll do they have in their possession Hinata?" I question.

"They have a earth scroll, which would complete our heaven scroll." Hinata responds, Byakugan still active.

"So what's the plan, Naruto?" Sasuke asks getting ready for a fight.

"Hinata I want you to cast a Genjutsu on them, make it subtle, Sasuke I want you to send Kunai raining towards whichever one is closest to you, and I will take care of the other too with Kenjutsu." I plan starting to see the opponents in the distance.

"Hai." Sasuke and Hinata reply.

"Now." I state moving at extreme speeds towards the enemies in the back.

I swing my sword at the neck of one of the enemies, just for him to block it with a Kunai. "Your teammate needs to get better at that Genjutsu." The opponent taunts while jumping away from me.

"How do you know that it wasn't I who caused the Genjutsu?" I ask the opponent, striking above his head.

"You have more chakra, making it harder to control, and that specific Genjutsu needs a godly amount of control." The opponent responds.

"I see, but do you realize that you are fighting the two sons of the Uchiha clan head?" I ask him, pouring a bit of wind chakra into my blade.

"No, I didn't and that means that the Genjutsu I cast on you didn't work." The opponent responds.

"It was I who cancelled the Genjutsu!" The Kyuubi growls.

'You've finally chosen to help me.' I mock, slicing through the opponents Kunai and the blade making contact with his throat, killing him instantly.

'I've helped you before.' The Kyuubi responds.

'We both know I could have handled that alone.' I respond thinking about the wave mission.

'Then why didn't you?' Kyubi asks.

'I tried not to hurt my teammates.' I respond, axe kicking the other opponent into the ground.

'That worked so well for Sasuke.' Kyuubi responds.

'Oh come on, he only passed out because he thought I died.' I respond, slicing through the last opponent's neck.

'Which is why you shouldn't have held your strength back, I refuse to have a host that has strength, but refuses to use it." Kyuubi states.

'Why because it would make me the opposite of you?' I question shutting him up.

"Hinata lead us to the tower." I order.

"Hai." Hinata states sprinting towards the tower.

We arrive at the tower after 20 minutes of running. "I think that we need to open both scrolls at the same time other wise there wouldn't have been a need to collect both of them." I state.

We open both at the same time, and with a poof of smoke Anko arrived, her clothes barely on her and her area completely open. "Why did you stop Itachi?" Anko questions before looking around.

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