Chapter 31

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-_____-Third Person Point of View-_____-

"Will Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuga Neji come down to the now restored arena?" Hayate amends.

Both of the competitors were in the arena before anyone could blink, to civilians and some Genin it looked as if they teleported from one spot to another, but those with the Sharingan, or at least a fully matured one could have noticed a blur of them using Shunshin, Hyuga just saw the chakra that was used.

"Let's test which dojutsu is better." Sasuke states arrogantly.

"That isn't a fair battle, your sharingan isn't fully mature." Neji states.

"I'll make up for it in skill." Sasuke replies.

"Hajime." Hayate yells, knowing this time not to wait too long.

Sasuke instantly started flipping through hand seals while Neji approached.

"I'll even the scores by not using my Byakugan." Neji states, approaching Sasuke.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu (Fire Style: Great fireball jutsu) ." Sasuke states, shooting his balls at Neji. (I honestly need to stop making fun of Sasuke, but it's so much fun, not as much as making fun of Sakura though lel)

Neji masterfully dodged each and every fireball that was sent at him. Sasuke however activated his Sharingan when he noticed that Neji was getting too close. Neji aimed a Jyuuken strike straight at Sasuke's head, which Sasuke barely dodged. 'I saw that earlier than when I dodged?' Sasuke thinks, confused as to what just happened.

"You're so slow." Neji states, stepping up his speed even further, mentally thanking Gai for his rigorous training routine.

Sasuke barely moved out of the first attack to his head, but his body couldn't react to the strike to his gut. Sasuke kicked Neji off of him, trying to recapture air. "I have hit you in one of the chakra points that leads to your arm, three more and you shall be down an arm." Neji taunts.

"Lucky shot." Sasuke spats.

"Let's see how long your attitude will last." Neji states, activating his Byakugan.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to activate your Dojutsu." Sasuke mocks.

"I think that you should feel the full force of the Hyuga strength, for the Hyuga will show its dominance." Neji states, getting ready for round two with Sasuke.

"It's too late for you now. Chidori." Sasuke states heading towards Neji at blinding speeds, for someone without a Doujutsu that is.

"Hakkesho Kaiten (Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation.)." Neji retorts, sending Sasuke spiraling backwards.

"You are within my field of attack." Neji announces.

"Hakke Hyaku Nijūhasshō (Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms)." Neji calls, striking down Sasuke.

"Proctor it's over." Neji announces, right after Sasuke fell face forward to the ground, making a small amount of dust follow.

"Winner of the match, Hyuga Neji." Hayate calls out.

"That was, disappointing." Neji states, walking off to the Hyuga side.

"Ha, Kakashi I have bested you, all of my students are still competing and only one of yours." Gai states, looking at his eternal rival.

"After Naruto is beaten, then you can say that you have bested me." Kakashi replies.

"Will Aburame Shino and Tenten come down to the arena?" Hayate questions.

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