Chapter 43

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-_____-Third Person Point of View-_____-

Naruto stared impassively ahead. His eyes focused on one object directly across the field. "I guess it is time. It has been two weeks since our fight with Hokage-Sama. In such a short amount of time, you believe that you could beat me in a fight." Naruto announces.

"That is correct. Do you have any issues with this challenge?" Kakashi asks.

"Only one. You're going to lose. Itachi could keep up with my speed because he is extremely fast. He only used his Sharingan to guess where I would appear. You will rely on your Sharingan. You're not fast enough. Not without your Chidori or Raikiri. It will turn into a fight of endurance, and my chakra reserves do not tend to fail." Naruto elucidates.

"I am well aware. However, I believe that I will be able to fight with you. I may be able to win, should you make a slip-up. Humans are not perfect, and while you may think that humans are below you, you still fall into that category. My experience lowers the severity of the mistakes that I make, while you have no such experience." Kakashi explains.

"Then be prepared to lose. If I make a mistake, then you will have to be fast enough to use it." Naruto reminds him.

Naruto got into his fighting style, Kakashi doing the same. "I will be the judge of this fight," Shisui states the moment that he appeared.

"Hajime!" Shisui yelled.

The moment the words left his mouth, Naruto had three, three-pronged, kunai in each of his hands. He threw them, his arms crossing as they released the Kunai. During the flight of the kunai, they hit each other, ricocheting and redirecting the other kunai. Kakashi revealed his lone Sharingan at the same time as Naruto pulled out the kunai. Even with his Sharingan, Kakashi was unable to see how the kunai got to Naruto hands. Kakashi's Sharingan was seen moving around; the red gives away flashing from side to side as he watched the kunai approach him, changing direction and hitting other kunai every few seconds.

Kakashi, realizing he couldn't do anything, and that Naruto could flash to any of the kunai, quickly used Shunshin to get safely to the right of the Kunai barrage. Naruto, seeing Kakashi's movement, flashed to one of the kunai. The moment Naruto's foot hit the ground, he disappeared. Shisui watched them both move with a bored expression, wondering how many dango he should get after the fight. Maybe he should get Itachi some?

Kakashi's body reacted by moving his arm before he saw it. A three-pronged kunai now held his regular kunai in between prongs. Kakashi felt his kunai start moving to the right. As he was preparing himself to the right of the kunai, or replace it, Naruto's foot slammed into Kakashi's head. Naruto jumped into the air, spinning as he ax kicked Kakashi back to the ground. A shadow clone appeared where Kakashi was falling. The shadow clone kicked Kakashi back into the air before he could even hit the ground. A second shadow clone struck him even further up. The first shadow clone leaped off the second shadow clone, headbutting Kakashi even further into the air. Kakashi, now in the air and unable to get balanced, was suddenly slammed straight back into the ground. Naruto, and two shadow clones, ax kicked Kakashi. Several of Kakashi's ribs broke from the kick, the number only multiplying from the impact with the ground.

Kakashi's body remained planted in the floor. Shisui appeared above Kakashi. Mentally counting in his head, he counted to ten. "Ten, that's how many dango me, and Itachi will need," Shisui yells out randomly.

"......... What about the fight?" Naruto asks.

"Oh yeah. Naruto, due to disabling his opponent, is declared the winner." Shisui calls out.

"Now take him to the hospital." Shisui orders, already going to the dango place.

Naruto nodded, grabbing Kakashi, he transported Kakashi and himself to the hospital, using a Hiraishin seal he left at the hospital should any mission go wrong.

-_____- Statistics breakdown-_____-

Kakashi Hatake A (age 26)

Strength A-

Speed| A to SS

Chaka| B+

Ninjutsu| S

Taijutsu| A

Genjutsu| B+

Strategy| A

Experience| S

Chakra Control| A-

Naruto Namikaze A+ (Closely bordering S) (Age 13)

Strength| A-

Speed| S to SSS


Ninjutsu| A+

Taijutsu| A

Genjutsu| C+

Strategy| A+

Experience| B+

Chakra Control| B+

(For Comparison.)

Minato Namikaze SSS (age 17)

Strength| SS

Speed| SSSS

Chakra| S

Ninjutsu| SSS

Taijutsu| SSS

Genjutsu| A

Strategy| S+

Shisui Uchiha| S (Age 21)

Strength| A+

Speed| SS to SSS

Chakra| A+

Ninjutsu| S

Taijutsu| SS

Genjutsu| SS

Strategy| A+

Itachi Uchiha SS+ (age 18)

Strength A+

Speed| SSS

Chakra| A-

Ninjutsu| SS

Taijutsu| SSS

Genjutsu| SSS



Here is how this is going to work. I want this story to get to sixty views before I even think of writing the next chapter. I want this story over one thousand votes before I touch a keyboard again in my life. I want this story to have ten comments before I publish the next chapter.

Finished 5/27/18

Published 5/30/18

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