Chapter 37

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-_____-Third Person point of view-_____-

Shisui Uchiha was almost relieved when Anbu arrived to watch Sasuke. So Shisui went to the Uchiha training ground, hoping to catch Naruto there. He was right in his guess that Naruto was going to be there and proceeded to walk towards him.

"Hey Naruto, how ya been buddy?" Shisui asks.

"I'm feeling much better," Naruto responds to continuing his physical exercise.

"Naruto, burying your feelings are not healthy," Shisui argues.

"Should I even attempt the Itachi impression?" Naruto asks sarcastically.

"Naruto, I'm serious. Children need to show emotions otherwise you will not grow up into an adult properly." Shisui attempts.

"Shisui, me and you both know that I stopped being a child years ago." Naruto returns states, not looking up from his pushups.

"Naruto, come to Ichiraku with me, you deserve a break." Shisui states.

"I will not deserve a break until I'm at the peak of my strength, and once I am there I will take a short break to refill energy before continuing," Naruto responds, his speed on the pushups doubled.

"Naruto that's not healthy for a growing human." Shisui states.

"But I have the Kyuubi to make sure I will not grow awkwardly, as it would give them a weak Jinchuuriki and the Kyuubi doesn't want that at all," Naruto states, doing sit-ups now.

"Naruto, you can't bag on the Kyuubi to carry you throughout your life, it may stop, as long as it thinks you will survive then that may be good enough for it, you shouldn't bag your life on that," Shisui responds.

"I guess I shall concede on this point; I shall take a short break in three hours. I will take that time to eat and read up on ways to improve my work out." Naruto responds.

"Good to here bucko." Shisui cheers, before using Shunshin to disappear.

"Naruto, I need to speak to you." Sasuke starts, appearing out of nowhere.

"I do not believe that you should be here. I saw you be taken away by the Anbu earlier, and we both know that you shouldn't be able to match an Anbu." Naruto remarks, waiting for the transformation jutsu of his opponent to waver.

"You are mistaken little brother; they did take me. However, I proved too much for them. Only an Uchiha can defeat an Uchiha, and with that thinking, I shall kill you Namikaze Naruto." Sasuke declares.

"I would like to comment, that your grammar in that sentence is horrible. You didn't pay much attention to school, did you?" Naruto taunts, looking at his sibling.

"Naruto, you will eat those words," Sasuke responds.

"I still do not believe that you are Sasuke," Naruto responds, appearing behind Sasuke and kicking him in the back.

"Oh brother, how mistaken you are." Sasuke comments.

Naruto then grabs Sasuke's arms from behind, forcing chakra into his hands before snapping his opponent's wrists. "It does not matter, whoever you are shall fall at my feet," Naruto announces.

"Your ego will kill you one day." Sasuke retorts, a slight smirk on his face.

"My ego is in control," Naruto states, before kneeing his opponent in the head.

"Your attacks are weak." Sasuke goads, getting into the Uchiha fighting style.

In response, Naruto quickly gripped Sasuke's arms and flipped him back a few feet. Sasuke was up in a moment, grabbing Naruto's ankle, before tripping Naruto. Sasuke quickly sat on Naruto, flipping through hand seals. Naruto, reading the jutsu kicked Sasuke off him, before jumping up into the air. "Chidori," Sasuke announces, driving his arm towards Naruto.

Naruto quickly grabbed Sasuke's wrist, and maneuvered Sasuke's arm into the tree next to him, before kicking Sasuke in the stomach. "So, it's true you're Sasuke. You've gotten stronger." Naruto remarks.

"Yes, I have, and it is finally time for me to surpass you and Itachi," Sasuke responds, activating his Sharingan.

Naruto glared back towards Sasuke, getting back into his stance. Naruto disappeared in a burst of speed, appearing above Sasuke, preparing for an ax kick. Sasuke quickly decided that moving would be better than blocking. Naruto's foot sent shockwaves into the dirt from his boot. His eyes immediately found Sasuke again, and Sasuke appeared behind him, Chidori in hand.

The Naruto Sasuke hit was a shadow clone, and the second it took for Sasuke to realize this, Naruto had punched him in the gut. Naruto then created a few more shadow clones and proceeded to kick Sasuke in mid-air. Five clones up and Naruto gripped Sasuke by the throat and had his clones restrain Sasuke as they entered free fall. Completely trapped, Sasuke thought of the final thing to do. Covering himself in electricity popped the Shadow clones, and shook Naruto enough for his escape. Sasuke quickly uses Shunshin to get out of there, while Naruto just appeared behind Sasuke yet again.

"I get it, I'm tagged, aren't I?" Sasuke asks.

"Finally realizing it eh?" Naruto responds, with a slight smirk adorning his face.

"It doesn't matter; I'm still going to win this fight." Sasuke states before charging Naruto again.

Naruto appeared towards Sasuke's right, but his arm barely deflected Naruto's. Sasuke grabbed Naruto by the heel of his right foot, and slammed him into the ground, quickly doing the hand seals to a fire style jutsu.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu." Sasuke fires from point blank space.

"Doton: Doruheki." Naruto thinks to himself canceling out Sasuke's jutsu.

Sasuke collapsed to the ground, nearly out of chakra. Naruto stood above him, looking down on his sibling. "Do you concede brother?" Naruto asks.

"Never." Sasuke spats.

Almost as if Sasuke's eyes were acting on instinct, Naruto's body went alit with black flames, he started screaming, unprepared for such a jutsu. Sasuke stood up on wobbly feet and slowly walked away, thinking that this fight was over.


"I hate you, mortals," Kurama states, looking at the Author.

"I apologize for my depiction of you in this story, and the lack of time that you've been a crucial part of the story, you just aren't needed Kurama yet, I may end up using you more soon enough. The author states.

"I'm getting tired of waiting," Kurama states, before curling back into a nap.


I hope to see all of you in the next chapter, but at this point, I wouldn't hate you for not showing up. I would also like to say that I've added another book to the roster, and I'm having funs with this one, it's realistic fiction fun times, and it's a lot of fun to write. I hope you enjoyed. Sincerely, ForgottenOrange.

Finished 11/29/17 Published 11/29/17

P.S Did you expect the Sasuke vs. Naruto fight?

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