Chapter 38

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I would like to quickly apologize for the drought of chapter's, I think I've rewritten this chapter so many times, because I just couldn't find the version that I felt was good enough, and that kinda took a while, holidays didn't help either. Again, sorry for the delay, next update should hopefully be Wednesday.

-_____-Third Person Point of View-_____-

Hoarse laughter filled the air as Sasuke watched Naruto disappear into the black flames of Amaterasu. His ego flared as he watched Naruto burn, if he could beat Naruto, he could beat anyone.

As Naruto's screams died down, and his laughter slowed, he thought he was ready. He was going to make this village burn.

-_____-Sasuke's Point of View-_____-

I walked towards the village, seeing an academy student throwing dull kunai at a wooden post. What a weakling. I must show this pest their place in the world. I approached the child, my walk turning into a sprint as I appeared behind the kid. "Are you going to help me Ninja-San?" The child asks, his sparkling violet eyes staring into mine.

My sharingan activated, my eyes flushing with red as I stared down at the child. The child, shocked stood still. I raised a Kunai, wanting to harm this child for not treating as I should be treated. I swung the kunai, but before I could touch the child, I saw a kunai heading towards my hands. I jumped away from the child, looking for the person who dared to mess with me.

A school instructor came out of the trees, eyes locked on me. This is someone who tried to slow down my learning in the academy, and now this peasant dare think that he is strong enough to fight me. Fatal error. "Uchiha Sasuke, I would request that you drop your kunai, and allow yourself to be brought to the Hokage, I do not feel like injuring you is needed in this situation, so please put your kunai on the ground." The instructor warns, getting in a fighting stance.

This ignored fool thinks he can fight me. I will show him how incorrect he is. I flashed behind him, my kunai raised towards his neck. He steps to my side, his foot outstretched, trying to trip me. I jump, flashing through hand signs as I called out "Goukakyuu No Jutsu." A fireball came out of my mouth, engulfing the instructor.

Noticing that a wooden log had been burned, I looked around, wondering where the instructor had gone. Noticing a slight shift in bushes, I throw a exploding tag laced Kunai at the area. The area exploding, leaving a broken wood in it's place. I jump back, drawing him out. He jumps out my side, a kunai raised as he tried to bring it down on me, however I grabbed his hands, forcing him down to the ground before stabbing him straight in the head, his eyes lost light as I stared down at him. The child was long gone. Little shit probably told someone.

I realized that if he told someone, then I'd get more people to kill. As if they knew to obey my thoughts, two Jounin came to the training field. Swords in hand as they sprinted towards me, before their images became blurry, and I could barely track them. I gripped my kunai when I felt the presence of one of them behind me, I turn around and parry their sword strike, barely room between me and them, before the other one came from my right side, I quickly used a substitution jutsu to get away. Realizing that I couldn't kill them both at the same time, I through a kunai from the right side of their body, quickly using shunshin, I appeared behind the other, a kunai aimed at his Jugular. He reacted quickly, his sword raised, and he parried my blow, quickly going for a quick attack at my leg. His sword cut through my hamstring, I screamed in pain. The Jounin quickly appeared behind me, trying to chop my neck. Through the pain I grabbed his arm before he could, putting as much pressure in my hand I snapped the bone, rage filling my head of the pain acquired. My Sharingan spun as I glared at the shinobi. Easily seeing the Jounin's movement now, I threw a kunai at where his arm would be, striking his elbow, he cried out in pain at his injury. His partner came from my side, and I flipped through the hand seals, shooting a fireball jutsu to where he was coming from. The ball engulfed the unsuspecting target, and he screamed, a blood curdling scream that would have stopped anyone... but me. His body dropped to the ground, charred from the flames. His partner retched onto the ground, I threw a kunai at him, hitting him straight through the head, killing him instantly.

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