Chapter 30: Naruto vs Gaara

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Thank you guest for leaving this review "Hinata is useless talentless weak fugly and fat. Sasuke doesn't give a fuck about her. He loves Sakura the strongest most beautiful kunoichi in the universe. Kill yourself, delusional virgin fag.", a beautiful comment that totally makes sense Like WHAT THE FUCK, when the hell did I mention a fucking Sasu-Hina fucking thing, let alone Sakura getting anything other than fucking death, I don't even know why I am responding to this eight year old trying to act cool because he watches anime, and I don't even wish to insult him, he has his opinion and I can't take that away from him, also I agree with him to a sense, a Hina-Sasu fanfic would probably not be in my taste, and it won't be in his either, but a Saku-Sasu or Saku-Naru disgust me, mainly because of how Sakura acts if a story portrayed a Sakura that would actually make sense to date Naruto then I would be fine with it, but I read a story, where Sakura tried making Naruto kill himself on FUCKING PURPOSE AND THEY FUCKING ENDED UP DATING, like fucking shit bro. Sorry about this rant but some things are needed to be said (In my opinion) also it would be better put "Hinata is a useless, talentless, weak, fucking ugly, fat female, and Sasuke doesn't give a flying fuck about her. He Loves Sakura, who is the strongest and the obvious choice for the best looking Kunoichi in the universe. Kill yourself, you delusional virgin fag."and that's putting it in the simplest way my mind can fucking render it, any better and I think that people would think that this person is smarter than he is, Back to the chapter (I'm probably going to regret making this, but I almost always put down my first thoughts)

Continue with the story.

-______-Third Person Point of View-______-

Naruto simply dropped off the ledge, landing in the arena, not looking at his opponent. "Uzumaki, are you ready to die?" Gaara asks, a sinister feeling radiating in waves.

"Can I call a rain check?" Naruto asks sarcastic.

"UZUMAKI!" Gaara screams.

"Oh come on, does the Ichibi have that much control of your actions, you can't even think properly can you, your only consistent thought is probably 'I need to kill Uzumaki, he made fun of me because he is my better.'" Naruto taunts.

"Your intolerable existence shall be ended!" Gaara states.

"You make it sound like I'm the bad guy, I would never go around killing your family members to get revenge like a bad person, you however would strike me at my very weakest, which is why I am never weak." Naruto states, looking at Gaara with a condescending look. 

"Feel my sand." Gaara states.

"Are you gay, you want me to feel you now, dear god you're one of those people who act like you hate someone and then want to smash." Naruto mocks.

"Hajime!" Hayate, finally, announces.

"Futon:Daitoppa (Wind style:Great breakthrough)." Gaara calls out.

"Katon: Goukakyuu (Fire style: Great fireball)." Naruto states, overwhelming Gaara's jutsu which overpowered the jutsu.

"Suna no tate (Shield of sand) ." Gaara retorts, causing the fire and his protective sand to meet each other.

The jutsu cancelled each other out, but the sand that Gaara used turned into glass, making him unable to use it for jutsu.

"Ryusa Bakuryu (Sand Tsunami)." Gaara states, sending waves of sand at Naruto.

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