Chapter 39

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Before you get confused with the first part of this chapter, I am finishing the Wave Builder mission, with Haku, and Chapters 13 and Chapter 14 are not in the actual story, however as part of the omake chapters I made. Also, I'm practically catching up on the fight that I have missed through writing this story.

-_____-Months Earlier -_____-

Naruto's eyes flared, speed increasing as he appeared in front of Sasuke, taking the senbon for himself. Sasuke watched, horror dancing across his face as he watched what he thought was his brother dying. Naruto's body fell, and in that instant, something awakened in Sasuke, his Sharingan activating yet again, before morphing into something new. Time seemed to slow, the last movements of Naruto's body perceived with vivid memory, etching into his mind an image that he can't forget. Sasuke's body fell back onto the ground, dipping into a deep unconscious state, his mind and body not being able to handle the sudden emotional and physical reaction to activating the Mangekyou. Haku, deciding that they've done enough, broke her mirror jutsu, throwing a final senbon at the fallen Hyuga.

The senbon seemed to slow, Naruto stood in front of Hinata, a red cloak engulfing his entire body, his eyes bled into crimson, his whiskers elongated, and his nails increased. Naruto, through his Kyubi form, blocked the senbon. Knocking out Hinata while doing so, making sure that she would not see him in this form. Naruto's eyes locked onto Haku, before reappearing behind Haku with speeds neither Zabuza or Kakashi could hope to track. His elongated nails carved a hole in Haku's mask, he quickly pulled out of his nails, grabbing Haku, throwing Haku away, before appearing again front of the flying and unconscious Haku, grabbing Haku, he gripped the mask with his hand, shattering it instantly. Naruto gripped the newly exposed face, his nails stabbing into the head being handled in his hands, he let go, Haku's lifeless body dropping to the floor, before Zabuza could even think of helping. Kakashi's Sharingan spun, trapping Naruto in a gaze, trapping him into a Genjutsu, causing Naruto to collapse.

"Zabuza. I do not believe that me killing you will be necessary, I hope that you leave this area, and never return, if you choose to attack, I will undo what I did to my comrade, and nothing will stop him until you are ripped shred for shred under his claws. I hope that you survive and live a fulfilling life, however if we meet again, you fighting me, I will not be as lenient." Kakashi warns, grabbing the bodies of his students, before going back to Tazuna's home, telling him that the mission is over.

-_____-A few months later-_____-

Hiruzen and Jiraiya stood, staring at the edo tensei of the Shodaime and Nidaime Hokage, whom were staring back at the Konoha ninjas. "Hiruzen. Who have you chosen to fight with you against us?" Tobirama asks, wondering who the white-haired shinobi was.

"This is Jiraiya, he is the strongest member of the Sannin, the teacher to the Yondaime Hokage, and the most loyal Konohagakure Ninja in the village." Hiruzen states, making Orochimaru grit his teeth.

"You think that rumbling dumbass is your strongest student, I will show you just how strong I've become, by killing you both." Orochimaru states.

"Tobirama, I would like to quickly thank you for telling me the only way to get rid of this retched jutsu. Sealing the souls of whom wants to be used is the most ingenious way to counter your own jutsu, not many people are well enough in the arts of sealing to do so." Hiruzen states.

"I do believe that I didn't give that information to you, I hid an encoded message to the next Hokage, whom I chose to be you." Tobirama states.

"Regardless, with that information, me and Jiraiya prepared for Orochimaru to use Edo Tensei, however we didn't expect him to use it to bring you two into the fight." Hiruzen states, looking at his former teacher.

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