Chapter 21

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-_____-Third Person's Point of View -______- 

The Chuunin and Jounin attacked Jiraiya and Kakashi, while wondering where the Anbu were. Jiraiya was having so much fun, he shouldn't have even tried arguing with Minato about this. One of the Suna Chuunin tried to sweep Jiraiya off of his feet so that his Jounin commander could nail him with a Futon jutsu, Jiraiya had different plans however and threw Minato's kunai at the face of the Chuunin, killing the Chuunin and summoning Minato. "I thought you would at least wait to bring me in." Minato states looking at his Sensei.

"There are A LOT and I hoped you could lower their numbers with the Hiraishin." Jiraiya responds emphasizing the a lot. 

"Kinda forgot about that." Minato states sheepishly.

"You forgot about the jutsu that got you here in the first place." Jiraiya asks dumb struck by his students behavior.

"Eh." Minato responds.

"Just do it." Jiraiya orders.

"I am the Hokage, so you have no authority ordering me around. Now I shall clear this army with the Hiraishin." Minato states, leaving a annoyed Jiraiya in his dust.

"Why do students not respect the words of the Sensei?" Jiraiya asks himself.

"Why don't you focus on this battle?" A Suna Jounin asks appearing behind Jiraiya.

"Did you say something?" Jiraiya asks leading the Suna Jounin to sweat drop.

'And there's the distraction.' Jiraiya thinks as his shadow clone poofs out of existence and he stabs the Suna Jounin. 

"Minato how many have you killed?" Jiraiya asks his student after dispatching his own enemy.

"Only around two thousand shinobi." Minato responds causing Jiraiya to sweatdrop.

"Only two thousand?" Jiraiya asks ridiculously.

"I mean it took half my chakra?" Minato states, as a question, not truly knowing what to say to his former teacher.

"That makes life easier." Jiraiya states.

"Where's Kakashi?" Minato questions wondering for the safety of his student.


Hatake Kakashi could be seen nose deep inside of a orange book. A Suna Jounin strikes from the left hoping to stab the Kakashi No Sharingan before they had to fight only to see Kakashi, still nose deep in his book, dodge his move and throw him over his shoulder. "My Genin team was better than you." Kakashi states still not looking up from his book.

Suna shinobi looked at the Hatake with shock, he just defeated one of the better Jounin's without looking up from his book. "Who's next?" Kakashi asks dangerously.

The Suna Jounin all were stiff wondering who might be the next target. "You will be next for slightly shivering there young boy." Kakashi states looking at a young Jounin. 

The young Jounin however did not want to have any part of the Hatake and threw a smoke grenade and motioned for him and his teammates to strategically retreat. "Me and you Mrs. Book are going to have so much fun." Kakashi states bringing the book close to his mask.

"Hatake-Sama Namikaze-Sama requests your assistance." A random root Anbu states bringing Kakashi out of his 'alone' time with his book.

Kakashi however was not amused and without second thoughts or hesitation killed the root Anbu before focusing back onto his book.

-_____- Back to Minato and Jiraiya -______-

Minato was frantically searching for his student when Kakashi and the root Anbu didn't show up to where he set up a meeting place, which was in the female locker room inside of the hot springs, mind you. Maybe Minato wasn't as anti-pervert as everyone thinks if the female area is his first area to set up guard, or maybe Minato wasn't a male... (After a short little visit from Minato coming into my room when I was typing this,)  Okay Minato is  a male, undoubtedly a male, now then let's go back to earlier... 

When Minato arrived to see Kakashi his only thoughts were about what the heck he got himself into. His student was trying to kiss his orange book with his mask on and succeeding. Which is the most disturbing visual Minato had ever seen in his life, and to top it all off Minato died, when into the Shinigami's stomach and watched as the Shinigami tortured souls, so this was truly scary. When Minato came out of his stunned stupor he immediately teleported to the Hiraishin marker he placed on Jiraiya to escape such a vile scene. 

When Minato arrived at Jiraiya's location he went back to killing Suna Jounin regularly, trying to forget the grievous act that Kakashi had bestowed upon him. Minato from the corner of his eyes saw a Suna Jounin commit Seppuku near the area where Kakashi was. 'Man if only that was me." Minato thought with envy.

"Minato how are you holding up?" Jiraiya asks his protege.

"I'm going great, how are you holding up, old man?" Minato retorts.

"That was rude, I'm only pushing 54 years of age." Jiraiya responds indignantly.

"Yes and I am pushing 22, somehow Kakashi is 31, albeit if I were still living then I would be rocking a good 34 years of age." Minato states.

"You're only three years older than Kakashi?" Jiraiya asks.

"Yeah, why?" Minato responds calmly.

"I thought you would have been a tiny bit older, seeing as how you were his jounin instructor." Jiraiya states.

"I was never his Jounin instructor, we were both Jounin at the time, but since I was more experienced and feared by Iwagakure I was put in charge of all of the missions that went down when I was on the team." Minato explains.

"When did we stop talking?" Jiraiya asks not realizing his student hid this amount of information from him.

"When I was dead for 12 years." Minato states casually while fighting Sunagakure as a whole.

"Well, it's good to have you now because I can figure out anything new and details like that." Jiraiya states.

"Well we can talk about this later, after we finish off Sunagakure." Minato responds killing another Sunagakure Jounin.

"Wait does that mean you impregnated Kushina at the age of 18?" Jiraiya asks when it comes to his mind.

"Yes now let's get back to killing Suna shinobi." Minato states killing another Suna Jounin.

-_____-Fin -______-

I'm sorry if this seems like a filler chapter, but I just didn't know what to write about for a war, seeing as how I suck at fighting scenes, war scenes, which in my mind is a combination of fight scenes to great effect, is just something that I can't do. I am a tad bit sad that I didn't get any comments (Or reviews) on the last chapter (It's only been two days but whatever) now I'm not going to pull the douche "I'm not going to update until I get so and so comment and vote" because that would be ridiculous, I'm just going to hope you comment anyway.  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter nonetheless and I hope to see each and every single one of you in the next chapter, Which if everything goes good should be tomorrow but like always no promises.  -ForgottenOrange

Finished/ Published 4/20/17

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