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-___-Naruto's POV-___-

We continue walking towards the shore to get a boat. When we finally arrive at the ship that will be taking us to Wave, I wait for everyone to get on board the boat then slowly walk in myself. "So Tazuna why did you lie to us about the rank of this mission?" Kakashi asks.

"I'm sorry that I had to lie about the ranking of the mission, but you see Wave Country is in a state of extreme poverty that encompasses the village." Tazuna answers.

"Now why didn't you just your Daimyo for help with the cash and then Konoha will get the rank and send the appropriate ninjas?" Kakashi interrogates.

"Even the Daimyo is poor. All because Gato took over, but the bridge is the only way that we can successfully help my village thrive." Tazuna responds.

" Now how do you even have the supplies to create this bridge if your village is as poor as you say?" Kakashi quizzes.

"We use whatever we have around us. Breaking down trees and ripping out some of the concrete where nobody goes." Tazuna replies.

"I feel that is enough questioning Tazuna." I intervene.

Once we ashore the boat and the rower quickly leave us. We presume our walking to Wave when I suddenly notice something stirring. I instantly throw a kunai. I look over and see a rabbit which is strangely white when it is springtime proving that it should have changed colors by now. (I do not care if that is crap just go with it) I quickly nod to Kakashi, and he nods back understanding the meaning behind the nod. "Naruto-Kun you almost killed the rabbit. Also, you shouldn't be wasting kunai every time you hear the leaves rattle" Hinata scolds.

"Sorry Hinata-Chan but. DUCK!" I quickly order noticing the blade swiftly approaching us threatening to behead us. Tackling Tazuna to the ground, I quickly stand straight back up ready to fight.

"Momochi Zabuza S rank missing ninja from Kiri master of the Sairento Kiryu (Silent killing technique), Mizu Bunshin no jutsu (Water Clone technique), among other Suiton (Water) Jutsu. The user of the Kubikiribocho (Executioner's blade) former Seven Deadly Swordsmen of the Mist (Almost typed Seven Deadly Sins not gonna lie)." I state.

"Lookey here we have a child who has read a Bingo book," Zabuza replied releasing killing intent instantly knocking down Sasuke and Hinata.

"Is that all you have?" I ask indifferently.

"Now that is a Genin I can start to respect. But remember you are just a Genin, and I was the equivalent of an Anbu before I went missing ninja." He praises.

"And look at Hatake former captain of Anbu and this Genin team beat him down to the ground right where he belongs." I brag.

"Now that is impressive, but they cannot handle killing intent which makes them weak," Zabuza claims.

"You can be strong in different manners, whether it be physical or just having an outgoing personality," I state.

"I don't know which world you live in but in the Ninja, world personality doesn't make much of a difference." Zabuza retorts.

"I live in a world where people kill each other a dog eat dog world where the strongest survive. But you can be strong without physical strength. If you were to taunt accordingly, you could get your enemy angry enough that they become blinded by their anger. Their anger will soon take their own lives because they weren't expecting their charge to be met with a kunai or other weapon and or trap." I explain.

"Now aren't you a little cocky talking that big when you're just becoming a Genin?" Zabuza asks.

"I think that my knowledge suffices for now. Also, you may as well tell your backup ninja to either show themselves or leave us because I am out of mercy today." I warn.

"And what will you do that could be lethal to us?" He asks tauntingly.

I quickly speed through hand signs. Fuuton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough) Katon: Yurika No Jutsu (Fire release: Fire Lily) I quickly in succession use forming a deadly jutsu. Zabuza's eyes widen at the size of the jutsu quickly gaining and the heat of which the jutsu was emitted. Burning everything and dissipating the water the Jutsu flies straight to Zabuza. Suiton: Suijinheki no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Encampment Wall) Zabuza used unsurprisingly blocking my attack. He flows through hand seals and releases Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique) I quickly jump up and tell my teammates to do the same as I use Raiton: Rensa Raikou No Jutsu (Lightning release: chain lightning technique) to counteract his attack straight back at him. The electricity flows throughout the water reaching Zabuza shocking him. It also electrified him.

He cancels his jutsu stepping onto solid land and taking out Kubikiribocho, and I do the same with my Raijin no Ken( Blade of the Thunder Spirit. Or Sword of the Thunder God). I start enhancing my sword with Raiton Chakra furthering the power of the blade. "You have the Nidaime's sword?" Zabuza asks warily because Raiton can make Suiton useless even make Suiton counterproductive.

"Why shouldn't I have a family heirloom?" I ask innocently.

"You're part of the Senju clan?" He asks.

"Not directly but I am the last Uzumaki loyal to Konoha and the last person with Senju blood with the ability to use Mokuton. Senju is the last full-blooded Senju I am the last Mokuton Senju until I start to reproduce which also means Konoha will force me into the CRA act." I respond.

We each get ready for a fight of Kenjutsu. I quickly tilt my sword at an angle, and I sprint ahead meeting Zabuza in the middle.


(1011 Words) I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. I would have updated this story on Tuesday but its finals week and I couldn't get it done. I'm sorry for the shortish chapter next one will be around 1500 words to make to 2500 quota for this book per week. I hope that I see you in the next chapter -Forgotten Orange.

Finished/Updated 1/26/17

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