Chapter 33

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"Naruto, we're leaving for a mission soon." Jiraiya calls out, not expecting reply.

"They already left." Naruto states sharply.

"Oh come on, let's just go get Tsunade than you can go back to moping." Jiraiya states.

"The fact that Senju Tsunade did something worse than I, completely abandoning the village, when she only lost 2 important people in her family, she still had everyone else but two fucking pieces of family and she left, I however am asking for a bit of reprieve and I'm denied!"' Naruto rages.

"Naruto, we both know that Tsunade has certain privileges-" Jiraiya starts.

"She is a member of the Sanin, the last remaining Senju, grandchild of the Shodaime Hokage, and I'm just Naruto, the Jinchuuriki of the Kyubi, son of the Uchiha clan head, last remaining Namikaze, heir to the Uzumaki throne, and a Chunin." Naruto finishes.

"Naruto." Jiraiya pleads.

"Rule 38, if the clan heir of is the last remaining of their blood family, then when they become eighteen years of age, or Chunin then they are able to instate themselves as a clan head, clan's without a Kekkei Genkai may be refused this act, but if the clan has a Kekkei Genkai then their clan leadership and clan hood will be accepted. (I honestly don't care if this is factual or not, don't bother me if it's not.)" Naruto declares.

"Naruto." Jiraiya's eyes narrow, wondering where Naruto's going with this.

"I do believe the Uzumaki chains, while not present in every Uzumaki is a Kekkei Genkai, what about our high amounts of chakra, or our longevity, wherever this goes I will be instated as clan head, and when I do I am going to shut my clan off to the world for a few months, to cope." Naruto states.

"What about the Clan Restoration Act?" Jiraiya questions.

"Yes I will eventually be forced to marry lowly female whores, a very sad time for me, I'm never going to understand love because every female who wants to marry me will end up marrying me, and well if I could somehow get a wife before I turn the age of eighteen, if I can hold of the advisors that long, then I would be scot free from the CRA." Naruto responds, a slightly demented smile on his face.

"Naruto you need to rest and relax." Jiraiya states soothingly.

"That's what I've been saying." Naruto states before disappearing.

"God dang it Naruto." Jiraiya mutters.


"I hate you Jiraiya." Naruto states, being carried by Jiraiya into a bar.

"Oh lookie what we got here." Naruto mocks Jiraiya.

"Shut up brat." Jiraiya reprimands.

"Wow another student Jiraiya, how long do you think this one will last, one year?" Tsunade questions.

"I heavily doubt that I will live longer than Naruto." Jiraiya claims.

"Untie me you bastard, I can't eat or drink like this." Naruto orders.

"Just because you asked nicely." Jiraiya replies sarcastically before cutting the ropes, and getting rid of the chakra seals, all 198 of them.

"Thank you." Naruto states blankly.

"So why did you bring the Genin with you?" Tsunade asks.

"Well you already said it, he's my student." Jiraiya replies grinning.

"You sure? Minato at least was fast, look at this kid, he looks like a weakling." Tsunade taunts.

"Naruto's going through some hard times right now." Jiraiya responds.

Naruto however was twitching, angry at Tsunade. "Did he fail the Chunin exams, ah that's sad Jiraiya, you should tell him a lie about us failing the first one, that might cheer him up, even if it's not true." Tsunade replies, not seeing the glint in Naruto's eyes as she said it.

"Tsunade, his new family got massacred." Jiraiya states solemnly.

"New family?" Tsunade questions, almost fearing the answer.

"You are looking at Uzumaki Uchiha Naruto, the Uzumaki clan was almost completely erased in the second war, leaving a handful of survivors at most, and in the last Chunin exams, the Uchiha clan, except Naruto and three others was massacred." Jiraiya explains.

"Death follows this kid around, I wonder what kind of monster we would make if we gave him my necklace, he would be a living breathing curse." Tsunade jokes.

"Tsunade Naruto is not the point we're here, we're here because Konoha has chosen you to be it's Godaime Hokage." Jiraiya states, preparing himself for the backlash.

"The Hokage's job is a fucking fool's job, the harsh truth is that your beliefs die with you, no matter how hard you try, the Yondaime could attest to that, the Nidaime Hokage can attest to that, the Shodaime Hokage can attest to that, hell even Uchiha Madara could attest to that. Being Hokage is a death warrant, and nothing good will come from it other than another grave site." Tsunade states.

Naruto however was shaking, pure hate radiating from him. "Tsunade, while my student can be calm and collected most of the time, saying that mere days after his family got slaughtered, giving him only their beliefs, and of course the fact that his father believed that Naruto would grow up well, and was squashed down ruthlessly by reality, welp let's just say that we should probably take this outside." Jiraiya insists, pushing them both out of the bar comedically.

"Shizune, be on standby in case I hurt this little welp too much." Tsunade orders.

"You honestly think you can touch me, let alone hurt me, you Sannin are arrogant people, especially you Tsunade. You were the weakest of the Sannin, you could never compare in straight combat with either of your teammates, so you decided to become a medic, being a medic made you capable to heal your friends, but you also learned how to get strength through chakra control, but it's been years hasn't it, you haven't been practicing chakra control, and you haven't been keeping up with training, you have forced Shizune to do everything." Naruto mocks.

"Then get prepared to meet the Yondaime." Tsunade states, moving in high Jounin speeds towards the blonde.

"You think Jounin speed can keep up with me, you are mistaken." Naruto states appearing beside Tsunade, aiming a punch for her skull.

Tsunade barely blocked the punch, and jumped back a few feet. "Wow you're father was so amazing, and your mother had to be horrible, because the only thing you got from your father is your looks." Tsunade mocks.

"What did you say about my mother?" Naruto asks quietly.

"I said she was probably a low life whore who got lucky with the Yondaime Hokage and didn't want to give up  the baby, and that made a disgrace of a child." Tsunade states.

 Naruto's red eyes were the last thing Tsunade saw before collapsing unconscious.


Hey guys, I'm sorry for the amount of cuss words and insults in this chapter. Disclaimer this entire chapter was written in around 40 minutes, which is why it's only barely 1k words, that and of course I started writing it at 3: am and it's 3:45 am so my brain my not working at full speed at this point. I hope to see you guys in the next chapter, -ForgottenOrange.

Finished/Published 8/17/17 August 17th, 2017

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