Ch. 1

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-_____-Naruto's Point of View-_____-

I wake up, feeling energetic, which is an odd occurrence because I didn't sleep too much last night. To be fair, I don't sleep too often at all, because, I'm making sure that the villagers don't attack me during the night. I also must run away, and avoid the villagers during the day, me being energetic during the morning is a bit odd. Sure, adrenaline can boost my instinct to survive, but it can't make me run forever. Anyways, today is the most dreaded day, today is my birthday. But, for some reason or another, I feel as if the Sandaime will get me a 'present' or something, and show me what a party is. I start fantasizing, seeing the Sandaime set the Hokage's robe on me, being a few sizes too large, and the Hokage's hat, over my head, causing an overshadow over the bit of my face that was visible. Snapping back to reality, I grab a cup of ramen, adding water into it, before setting it into the microwave, as I drifted into my room, I snatched my orange jumpsuit, putting my arms through the sleeves, and my head through the top hole, sliding my pants on quickly.

I hear the faint sound of my microwave ringing, I instantly flew over to it, using anything in my way to leap. I grab my ramen, accidentally spilling a bit out during my rapid movements. Setting it down, I instantly start inhaling the ramen. Once I was done, I looked at the clock in my home, realizing that it was far too early for me to be awake I start doing a simple exercise in my house. I started doing ten sets of ten sit up, and ten sets of ten pushups, continuing I do twenty sets of fifty squats.

Deciding that the next part of the exercise should be more movement base, I go up to the bottom of the Hokage's mountain, and I work on getting up and down the mountain. Sitting down on the Hokage's Mountain, I looked towards the village, the beautiful landscape, surrounded by trees and vast forest, a village that holds the saints of people, the village that contains monsters, the village that is my fears. To every village, there are two necessary parts, and without both a village would fail, they need the happy side, the side you present to your allies to gain trust, and admiration. Then you have your real side of the village, the corner that is killing and torturing anyone who could even have a remote chance of damaging the village. All sorts of espionage that could abolish the economy of a different village, or a spy that loses his life, or another victim of the cruel things of life, or even the demons of the people that live in the village itself.

Watching the sunrise, I wondered if anyone would care if I were to slip off the mountain to my death. Concluding that it would only make the villagers happy, I decided against it. To further spite the villagers, I'm going to thrive, become their Kage, and spit in their faces for what they did to me. I climbed back down the bottom of the village, the exercise leaving its toll on me. Searching around, I make sure that there are no villagers where I decide to go. The villagers are most likely drunkards who're still drunk because they drank so much. Seeing no villagers, I continue my walk, walking towards the Hokage's building, ready to say hi to the old man. Making sure that there weren't any villagers on the regular road, I jump into it, Walking towards the Hokage's building.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my body. My body went rigid, my brain trying to order my body to do something, anything, to get away from this potential threat. Getting enough control, I looked up to see.....


Original length 253 words. Last edit 561 words. Currently 685 words

Finished 11/18/16

Edited 1/22/17

Final Edit 12/8/17

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