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I looked up to see Inu-San's mask staring at me. The costume he wore to protect his identity from me, despite having silver hair that I've never seen on anyone else before. If I had to guess, then I would think he would have been shocked with how I reacted, but I doubt he cares enough to worry about my reactions. "Hokage-Sama has requested your presence," Inu announces, his monotone voice cutting through the silence.

Before I could even think of a response, we were in the Hokage's office. The Sandaime immediately had his head up the moment Inu appeared. "Hokage-Sama, I have brought Naruto as you said," Inu states, before disappearing.

I start wondering how Inu is teleporting. "Naruto, I need to give you something. Come back to my office by six pm; please try not to be late." The Sandaime states, knocking me out of my thoughts

"Jiji, why do I have to come back later, why can't you give it to me now?" I ask, honestly confused.

"You'll be happy with your present Naruto; it's just not done yet." The Sandaime states, his signature smile being worn on his face.

"You're not fun." I'd state leaving the Hokage building.

I soon left, wondering what to do with my time until six. Walking, I suddenly get hit by a rock, looking around I see a group of villages all winding up, they threw a second rock, before a rock-throwing frenzy began, easily twenty stones were impacting me. Hitting me in the side, the head, and my already sore legs, they started chanting "Burn demon, go back to where you belong demon, back to the end demon."

They continued hurling rocks towards me, until it suddenly stopped, looking up, wondering if Inu was here to crash their party. However, that's not what I saw at all, I saw them all, wielding blunt weapons, glinting in the sunlight. I instantly start running, my sore legs keeping me only barely in front of the villagers. 'Where's Inu-San, he said that he'd protect me an-." My thoughts were interrupted as I noticed I ran into a dead end. I look up towards the sky, wondering if Kami would give me this one grant, allow me to survive and grow up to show these fuckers how to survive. When I noticed that the horde was there, trapping me into the dead end, with the weapon, I realized that tonight was my night to die.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The mask owner asks, apparently amused with what was about to happen.

"We have the demon that destroyed Konoha trapped like a dear." The owner of a restaurant replies, grinning happily.

"What do ya think we'll get for a corpse?" A doctor asks.

"He'll make us kings." The mask owner replies.

"He'll give us the best of ninja to protect us, and bow to our every whim." A shipping trader replies.

"He'll make us a memorial for finishing the Yondaime's memorial." The mask owner states.

Looking at these people, I know that one thing is for sure. 'I'm alone' born alone, and dying alone, without a real dream, just the endless cycle of pain and more pain, that is my life, I only hope the afterlife will be better.

They backed me up against the wall before a daring one throws a kunai at my arm, it went straight through my arm, pinning me painfully to the wall. I scream in pain, tears filling my eyes as my body registered the pain. I started moving my left hand towards the knife in my right arm, prepared to pull it out if need be. However, the same marksman didn't agree, and threw a cutter, directly hitting my left arms thumb, before throwing another kunai, hitting my wrist. I looked at them, tears filling my eyes, blood pouring down the wall. They pulled out dull blades, barely penetrating my skin, slowly but surely carving out beautiful words. I looked at them, the pain coming from my stomach overwhelming my senses, my eyes were dashing in and out, filled with white spots when I could see. The villagers, almost sensing my bare consciousness forced a pill down my throat, a tablet used for inmates to stay conscious during torture. They forced me to realize something; They screwed me over.

One pushed my jaw open, sliding their knife through my mouth, and sliding up to my ear, then continued to the other side, my body was feeling horrible. I felt like I was going to die. I'm wondering when I will kill, get rid of this pain. They put a mirror in front of my face, forcing me to watch my face get mutated into something else. I thought I was nearing the worse of it when I saw a shinobi. He walked up to me, slowly forming hand signs that looked like he had just learned the jutsu. "Katon: San (Fire Release: 3)." His jutsu forced my face alight. My face burning, as I slowly watched as my skin burned, and my face revealed itself. My body revolted, I tried so desperately to scream, but I couldn't get the air to cry, nor could I get over the pain to focus on screaming. They grabbed the Kunai holding my body up to the wall, before twisting them for good measure, letting my body drop to the ground. They then kicked my body, leaving as they did so.

My body burnt and my soul beat, I slowly crawl to the Hokage's building, trying to get there before six. I got to the office, and I pushed the door with all my might, cracking the door open before falling to the open embrace of the void.


Hey, guys, I hope I get to see all of you in the next chapter.

Finished November 18th, 2016

Edited. 12/9/17

Edit 5/28/18

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