Chapter 34

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"Naruto, what did you do?" Jiraiya demands.

"I am merely partaking in this mission, the mission requires us to take Senju Tsunade back to Konoha, any means necessary." Naruto responds, making Jiraiya feel like he was seeing through him.

"Naruto, Tsunade is a fellow Konoha Shinobi, you shouldn't treat her so rough." Jiraiya states.

"Tsunade stopped being a shinobi of Konoha when she left Konoha to burn, she left my parents to eventually die, and the thorough death of the Senju, minus her." Naruto responds coldly, moving towards Konoha.

"Naruto! This is unacceptable behavior, you shouldn't let your personal thoughts get into your judgement of Tsunade." Jiraiya announces.

"You say that yet your personal thoughts about Tsunade are making you oblivious to the truth, Senju Tsunade should have became a missing nin 15 years ago when she abandoned this village." Naruto responds, kicking off the ground towards Konoha.

"Tsunade had her reasons." Jiraiya argued.

"I make fun of Hatake Kakashi for stopping his training regime, after he lost his father, both his teammates, and his father figure. Tsunade left for 15 years, not working for Konoha in the slightest, all because her boyfriend and brother died." Naruto angrily yells, accidentally using the Kyubi's chakra to run faster.

"You don't understand they meant everything to her." Jiraiya snaps.

"She still had you, Orochimaru, Shizune, and the last remaining Senju, and she left all of them except Shizune to die, Kakashi had Gai, only Gai left." Naruto states.

"You're heartless." Jiraiya stammers, in shock at what Naruto said.

"I'm heartless, you took a grieving teenager away from mourning the loss of their entire clan, which includes their family, I only have Itachi, Shisui, Sasuke, and Hinata left, yet you won't see me leaving the village or stopping my training, I'm just going to take a small reprieve from training to get ready for the funeral, and you take me away for a mission, a mission I was not psychologically ready for." Naruto claims, sprinting even faster.

"Naruto, we both know that you're strong, you don't need a break." Jiraiya states, a slight joking nature to clear the tension.

"I'm done with you." Naruto states, using Hiraishin to get back to the village immediately.

"God damn it!" Jiraiya screams mad at losing his student.

"J-Jiraiya-Sama." Shizune states collapsing.

"I forgot about you sorry." Jiraiya states sheepishly.


"Mission success, now leave me alone until the Uchiha burial." Naruto states, shoving off Tsunade and starting to walk away.

"Naruto what did you do?" Hiruzen questions with narrowed eyes.

"She wouldn't come home, so I knocked her out and used the Hiraishin to get her back to the village." Naruto answers with nonchalance.

"Naruto the end doesn't justify the means." Hiruzen states.

"You should have told Tobirama that." Naruto states before disappearing.

"What am I supposed to do with you, Naruto?" Hiruzen asks, softly poking Tsunade with his shoe, to make sure that she was still  out.

"While she's out I may as well have some fun." Hiruzen states.

-_____-Back to Naruto-_____-

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