Chapter 2

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When we reach the theater Renee brings me up to her dressing room.
"Do you want the cast members to come up and meet you?" Renee asks me and I nod.
Renee walks out and the first people to come in are Jasmine and Pippa.
"So are you the fabulous little girl that Renee has been talking about?" Pippa asks me and I giggle.
"I wouldn't call myself fabulous." I tell Pippa suddenly embarrassed.
"You are fabulous you have curly hair like me." Jasmine tells me and she strokes my hair.
Pippa and I giggle and Pippa smiles.
"You have a pretty laugh and a awesome smile." She tells me.
"Thanks." I say.
Pippa and Jasmine give me a hug.
"We better get going now other cast members want to meet you." Jasmine tells me and her and Pippa leave.
The next people to come in are Thayne Jasperson and Gregory Haney.
"Thayne you owe me 10 dollars Thayne I told you she looked like Renee." Gregory tells Thayne.
Thayne groans and digs into his pocket for the money and hands Gregory a ten dollar bill.
"You can't do that." I say.
Thayne looks confused.
"Can't do what?" He asks.
"You can't spend a ten dollar bill in the Richard Rogers theatre that is basically criticizing Lin and all his work." I tell them.
Gregory looks at the dollar and so does Thayne.
"She's right Thayne take your money back and then give me the money 5 blocks from here." Gregory tells Thayne.
I laugh.
"And by the way I'm Thayne and that's Gregory." Thayne says.
"I know I added Gregory on snapchat and I saw you in high school musical Thayne." I say to them.
Gregory starts to laugh and Thayne blushes.
"That was in 2008." He says.
"But anyways if you ever want to get candy or cookies or anything junk food come to us." Gregory says and I nod.
They leave and Daveed Diggs and Okieriete Onadowan comes in.
"Hello Brielle." Oak says to me.
"Before you guys introduce yourselves I know who you are I know who all the cast members are i'm actually a huge fan of hamilton." I tell them.
They nod.
"So tell us about you." Daveed says.
"Well I'm 11 years old and my parents died when I was little and Renee saved me from getting my ass kicked in the Park and from my abusive family." I tell them.
"Ok ok first don't cuss Renee will think I influenced you." Daveed says and me and Oak laugh. "And second no kid deserves to have a life like yours."
I nod in agreement.
"So welcome to the Fam." Daveed tells me and the two give me a group hug and then they leave.
The next person to come in is Jonathon Groff and I literally scream Groffsauce is right in front of me.
"RENEE YOUR RIGHT SHE DOES LOOK LIKE YOU!" Groff yells downstairs I giggle.
"And you got a pretty smile and laugh." He says.
Groff looks at my shirt and he smiles.
"Oh hell yes you got a hamilton shirt." Groff says. "High five me right now sista."
We slap our hands together for a high five.
"Well I better get going there are 3 other people that want to meet you." Groff tells and while walking out Lin Manuel Miranda, Leslie Odom Jr and Anthony Ramos walk in.
"Hey she's part of the curly hair squad." Anthony declares and I giggle.
"Renee wasn't lying she does look like Renee." Leslie says.
"Hello Brielle it's a pleasure to meet you. You may know me i'm Lin Manuel-"
"Miranda." I say the last peice with him. "I know all of you i'm a huge fan of Hamilton and of you." I say.
Lin looks proud of himself but then his face softens.
"We're your family now and you should know you can come to us with anything ok?" Lin says to me.
"Ok." I awnser.
The trio leaves and Renee comes back in.
"You've been telling people that I look like you?" I ask her laughing.
"H how do you know that?" She asks.
"People have been saying it when they walked in." I tell Renee.
Renee smiles and then sits next to me on the couch.
"I was thinking of pulling you out of that school and putting you in another one that is much better." Renee tells me. "It's only Tuesday so you can stay home tommorow and go to the school on Thursday." She says.
I nod and hug her.
"That would be awesome." I tell Renee and she smiles.
"I have to get ready for the show but if you want you can go to the downstairs room with Sebastian and listen to the show." Renee tells me.
I nod and she leads me downstairs. Where Lin is with Sebastian they both are watching chuggington.
"Move Lin I got it from here." I tell Lin.
Lin smiles.
"I like this Brielle kid." He says and with that he and Renee walk upstairs.
"Who are you?" Sebastian asks me tugging on my shirt.
"Brielle." I awnser.
"Bri Bri Bri." He says trying to say my name when he fails for the 10th time he starts to cry.
"Shhh it's ok Sebby don't cry you can call me Bri." I tell Sebastian.
Sebastian immediately stops crying.
"Otay Bri." He says to me. (I meant to Add Otay)
He continues to watch chuggington when the opening number starts and everyone is sleep. Sebastian has feel asleep so I decide to go take him to Lins dressing room.
I go back downstairs and realize that the end of Aaron Burr Sir is on and it is going into my shot.
I sing along knowing all the lyrics and stuff and the dance.
That's when Pippa came downstairs.
"Brielle?" She asks.
I quickly sit down and act like I was doing nothing.
"Yes." I awnser Pippa.
"How do you know all the dance moves to my shot?" She asks.
"How do you know I know all the dance moves to my shot?" I ask.
"Because I just saw you dancing to it." She awnsers.
"I wasn't dancing." I tell Pippa.
"Yes you were and I have a video which is proof." Pippa tells me.
"I surrender Fine I was dancing." I admit.
"And singing." Pippa says.
"And singing." I Add.
Pippa smiles and hugs me.
"I won't show anyone the video." She tells me and I smile.
"I better go The Schuyler sisters is about to be on." Pippa says and she runs upstairs in that big dress of hers.
I laugh and sit back down. When the show is over im on the couch crying.
Renee comes downstairs.
"Brielle why are you crying?" She asks.
"Because Who lives who dies you tells your story always makes me cry." I tell Renee.
She laughs.
"It gets me a little teary eyed to." She admits and she grabs my hand.
"We better get going we have to get home." Renee tells me and we walk up the stairs to her dressing room together.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now