Chapter 3

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When we get home Renee tells me to sleep on the couch and that my room will be done be done by the time I am home from school on Thursday.
"So how do you like the cast?" She asks while making us some dinner.
"There all fun to be around especially Thayne and Greg." I tell Renee.
Renee puts the spaghetti in the pot for it to boil.
Renee goes to check her phone and then suddenly laughs really loud.
"What is it?" I ask sauntering over to her.
"Nothing." Renee says quickly clutching the phone to her chest.
I grab the phone and look at it.
Pippa sent Renee the video of me dancing earlier.
"Pippa sent you that?" I ask.
"Maybe she did maybe she didn't." Renee tells me grabbing her phone.
"I am going to kill her." I say laughing.
"Chill out Brielle Pippa said she was going to delete it after she sent it to me." Renee informs me.
I laugh and so does Renee.
"So Brielle were those kids always mean to you at school?" Renee asks me.
"Yea. Greg always made fun of me and Clarissa wasn't any better they literally kicked my ass every day." I quickly put my hands over my mouth forgetting what Daveed told me.
"You've been hanging with Daveed haven't you?" Renee asks and I don't awnsers. "Damn 20 minutes with that guy and he has you talking like a sailor."
I laugh.
"Sorry." I say to Renee.
"It's alright babes." She says to me.
In about 20 minutes the spaghetti is done and we're watching girl meets world on TV.
"This spaghetti is awesome." I tell Renee and she smiles.
"Good you probably had nothing to eat at that home." Renee tells me and she isn't lying all Mrs.and Mr.Spears fed me was peanut butter and Jelly sandwhiches every night.
"Renee Thanks for everything and stuff." I tell her smiling.
"Please don't call me Renee call me mom." Renee I mean Mom tells me.
It takes me a minute to process this.
"You mean that you're-"
"Adopting you." Renee finishes. "And yes I am." She says.
I put my half finished plate of spaghetti on the ground and jump into Renees arms.
"I love you so much Brielle." Renee tells me.
"I love you too Mom." I say. The word feels different on my tounge but she still is my mom.
When we are done with our plates we Wash the dishes. Little did we know that we would be throwing soap at each other.
"Woah!" Mom yells as she falls to the ground I laugh and help her up.
"Thanks babes." Renee says dusting herself off and then looking at the ground.
"We should go and clean this mess." Renee says.
"Yea." I say.
We grab a mop and wipe up the mess and then Renee puts Mean girls on.
"So Brielle tommorow I am doing a Ham4ham I think it would be perfect if I can announce I am adopting you then." Renee tells me.
"Ok that's Fine." I tell Renee.
"And since my understudy is going on for me tommorow me, you and Daveed can go shopping for your room and for some clothes." Renee says.
"But whenever we are going shopping never ask to go to Pier 1 imports." Renee tells me.
"Well you can ask when your with me but with Daveed I don't know."  Renee says.
"Why not with Daveed?" I ask.
"Well for starters he thinks they all smell like shit and he fucks it and he used to work there when he was 15 and it wasn't one of the dream jobs." Renee tells me.
"Good to know now I can bring it up when we are shopping to scare him." I say and me and Renee laugh.
"I was just like you when I was little. Always laughing and smiling even though you've been through some serious shit your still smiling thats what I like about you." Renee tells me.
"So do you have a backstory?" I ask Renee.
"In 5th grade I was a class clown." Renee tells me.
That makes me laugh. I can't really imagine Renee sitting in the back of the class making kids laugh.
"How were you a class clown?" I ask.
"I used to make fun of the music teacher." Renee says. "But then one day she caught me and I was so scared."
Renee makes me scared face and I start to laugh so hard tears come out of my eyes.
"But from then on I got all the solos sometimes teachers can make a dull light brighter." Renee tells me.
"Well the teachers at my old school were shit." I curse again. I quickly covered my mouth and Renee shook her head jokingly.
"I'm going to have a hella good talk to Daveed your more than a sailor your a fucking Pirate." Renee yells and I laugh.
Finally me and Renee just decide to watch the movie and we snuggle on the couch together.
10 minutes later I hear light snoring.
"Renee?" I say softly.
No awnser I was getting tired myself and I hate waking up tired so I just went to sleep.
That night I dream of my new life with Renee and the Spears didn't make one single appearence.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now