Chapter 20

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By the end of the day we had most of the things packed all we had to do was pack some of the plates and stuff and move it into the house.
Renee dropped me off at rehearsals I was going to spend the night at Theodosia's since I didn't have a room anymore.
"Hey babe?" Jackson says as he gives me a small kiss on the cheek when I'm at rehearsals.
Theodosia comes up to me and gives me a hug she's in charge of sewing the costumes along with this older woman.
"How did moving go?" Theodosia asks me and I roll my eyes. "Exhausting Jasmine and Renee kept taking snack breaks and there wasn't one time I saw Pippa and Lin giving each other some space they've only been dating for a month but they act like their married." I say to Theodosia and her eyes start to sparkle.
"Aww that's so cute." She tells me the Drama teacher comes in followed by Kaelyn and Gianna.
"Hi Jackson." Kaelyn says when she sees us and then she sees me and sneers.
"Where were you Brielle killing yourself?" Kaelyn asks and Gianna rolls her eyes.
"Kaelyn stop being so mean." Gianna says and I put my hand on Gianna's shoulder.
"It's alright Gi Kaelyn will have my fist down her skinny Turkey ass throat." I say as I lunge into Kaelyn but Gianna and Theodosia hold me back Jackson looks shocked.
Kaelyn smiles.
"While you're holding her back take her to a therapist." Kaelyn tells my friends and Gigi laughs.
"And while your walking go find some friends." Gigi yells and Kaelyn snorts and starts to walk off.
We start rehearsal off with our acting and singing warmups and then we practice light my candle.
We're performing our production of rent at the local theater we thought it would be better than the school because of the sets and stuff.
When light my candle is over Kaelyn practices We're OK and then we all practice the scene where Mimi dies they all hover around me on the floor since we don't have a table yet and Jackson starts to play the guitar.
Then we practice another day and before we know it rehearsal is over.
When Theodosia's mom comes Jackson, Theodosia and I all climb into the back seat since Melissa Theodosia's 10 year old sister is occupying the passengers seat.
"How was rehearsal today?" Mrs.Manning asks and Theodosia sighs.
"I got one part of Mimi's skirt for the first song done." Theodosia tells us.
"Kaelyn is messing with Brielle again." Jackson says and Melissa turns around to face us.
"What's wrong with Kaelyn her little sister Amanda is really nice maybe if you guys were nice to Kaelyn she'll be nice to you." Melissa says and Mrs.manning nods.
"Melissa is right maybe instead of always fighting back with insults to Kaelyn when she does it to you maybe you guys should say some nice things back." Mrs.Manning tells us and Theodosia laughs.
"What nice things can we say to Kaelyn Mitchell?" Theodosia asks sarcastically.
"I don't know." Mrs.Manning admits. "But don't pick any trouble with her."
When we reach Jacksons house we wave goodbye to him and then we go to Theodosia's house.
Her mom ordered us pizza for dinner so Theodosia and I go up to her room.
"So what's for homework?" I ask Theodosia and she hands me the math homework.
"Help me with this I don't understand any of it." Theodosia tells me and I giggle Theodosia was smart but she was dumb in math.
20 math problems and ten pizza slices later Theodosia and I were finally done with the homework after taking showers and putting our pajamas on went to sleep I slept on her air matress and she slept on her bed.
"Theodosia I just found a way we can have a little fun in our life." I say and Theodosia laughs.
"How?" She asks.
"Ok your mom said to kill Kaelyn with kindness what if we kill her with kindness to much and get her so annoyed she'll leave us alone all together." I say and Theodosia gasps.
"That is PERFECT." Theodosia says. "Brielle your pretty, smart and funny. I'm glad we're best friends." Theodosia says and I smile.
"I'm glad we're best friends too." I say to Theodosia and before I know it we're asleep.

Aww little fluff chapter ❤❤

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now