Chapter 32

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Today I woke up and wanted to go back to sleep but then I realize today is the day Pippa and I see great comet together.
I start go to my closet and start to pick out some clothes a black T shirt, jeans, my flannel sweater and my converse.
Once I'm showered and have my clothes on I go to the kitchen sadly I have school today well at least it's Friday.
Mom and dad are eating some cereal and Sebastian was up because he was going to Lin's parents house.
"Hey Lin you know it's not too late to have Sebastian go to a daycare." Mom tells Lin. "It's will be good for Sebastian because he can make new friends and good for your parents so they can have their alone time."
Lin sighs.
"Maybe I should I'll do it tonight." Lin says Pippa comes downstairs yawning and when she sees me smiles.
"Today is the day Brielle." Pippa tells me and I smile and squeal.
"I know I'm so excited." I say and mom looks at dad.
"She was just like Lin when he was her age." Mom says and I go into the fridge and get a toaster strudel and pop it into the toaster.
"So what? What's wrong with being Broadway obsessed?" I ask mom and Lin and I high five.
"Nothing is wrong with that." Lin says and In a few minutes my toaster strudels pop up and I get a plate and start to eat them.
Sebastian is happily enjoying his lucky charms but is eating more off the marshmallows than the actual cereal.
I grab my phone from my pocket and see what time it is and realize it's time to go to the bus stop.
"I got to get going see you later." I say giving mom and dad a kiss.
Tonight I had rehearsal but that didn't end until 6 and the show started at 8:30 I still had plenty of time to eat and catch the subway to the show.
When I get to the bus stop I am greeted by Bridgett and Jackson.
"Today's the day you see the great comet Brielle." Bridgett tells me and I smile.
"Don't make me have another squealing attack I could barely go to sleep last night thinking about it." I tell Bridgett and Jackson smiles.
"When you get home from the show you better text us all about it." He orders me and I put my hand on my forehead.
"Yes sir." I say playfully and he laughs.
The bus comes and Jackson, Bridgett and I sit in the long seat in the back we just started sitting there ever since Winnie left because we didn't want Bridgett to feel left out.
When we get to school Jackson, Nicole, Theodosia and I are in homeroom when Kaelyn walks past us.
"On this side of the zoo you see the ape family Brielle is the mother ape." Kaelyn says laughing like the joke was so funny.
But you know what this little blonde was not going to ruin my day today.
"Hey Kaelyn you must really love us because I always hear our names in your mouth." I tell Kaelyn and Nicole and I high-five.
Kaelyn snorts and then walks off with her minions.
Nobody is going to ruin my day not even Kaelyn.

I had 2 pop quizzes today and a spelling test in Spanish and rehearsal we ran through all the songs and then ran through lines.
Theodosia is finished with the costumes so next rehearsal will be the first dress rehearsal we will do.
When mom comes to pick me up from rehearsal we stop by McDonald's and get me something to eat mom orders a big meal because pregnant women like big meals.
When we go home Pippa is eating a salad and I start to eat my McDonald's finally it's time for me and Pippa to go and my heart is beating fast from all the excitement.
"Brielle calm down." Pippa tells me while we are on the the subway.
"Sorry Pippa it's just I'm so excited that I'm finally seeing some Broadway shows." I tell Pippa and she smiles and starts to stroke my hair.
"Love you Brielle." Pippa tells me.
"Love you too." I tell Pippa and when we get off the subway we take a cab to the theater and Pippa looks at it and smiles.
"Be ready to be blown away." She tells me and I smile and Pippa hands the ticket master our tickets and we take our seats.
It takes a few minutes but the show finally starts and I'm excited.
Prolouge is awesome I listened to the Broadway cast and the off Broadway cast sing it and they're both good.
When no one else comes on Pippa smiles.
"I remember being scared of singing this song when I was on stage." Pippa tells me and before I know it the great Comet is on and I am crying like actual tears.
This play deserves so much more recognition and I thought Hamilton was good this show tops Hamilton.
Anyways Pippa and I exit the theater to go stage door and what an experience that is. Pippa congratulates all the cast members and praises Denee and tells her what a awesome job she did on her song.
"Thanks I learned from the best." Denee tells Pippa and they hug.
Then we go backstage and Pippa sees the crew members and they all give her hugs and start to tell me stories from when Pippa was in the great comet.
I laugh as they tell me about this one time Pippa almost missed curtain call and I smirk to Myself as it reminds me of a certain some......Leslie.
Finally it's time to go and Pippa and I go to the subway to go back home.
I'll never forget this night.


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