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12 years later

Renee's pov
I'm in the car driving Angelica, Maria, Miya and Christian to the mall.
You already know about Angelica and Maria but if you don't Angelica's my daughter and Maria's Jasmine's daughter also known as my neice. Pippa still doesn't have any kids but she's trying.
Alright Miya and Christian are Maria and Angelica's best friends. Miya is kind of like Brielle's friend Bridgett.
Like Bridgett Miya isn't afraid to kick anybody's ass and she stands up for her rights.
Let's just say Miya isn't the best influence she got the entire group grounded for a month when last Halloween they egged Mr. And Mrs.Glosner's  yard.
Angelica just turned 12 last week so she thinks she's a little bit too old for the clothes in her closet.
Brielle gave Angelica some of her clothes when she was younger and Angelica loved that.
Brielle is currently 25 years old and is about to debut as Eliza in Hamilton her first Broadway debut.
Brielle graduated college a few years ago and shares a apartment with Jackson, Nicole and her boyfriend.
Her friends Winnie, Bridgett and Theodosia share a apartment.
As for me and Daveeds work life I am a registered nurse I left Hamilton 8 months after I had Angelica and when Daveed left Hamilton and when Angelica turned 4 and started going to preschool I decided to go to medical school to become a registered nurse I graduated from medical school when Angelica was nine.
Pippa, Lin and Sebastian still live with us. Sebastian is fifteen now and is about to start his sophomore year in highschool.
Pippa and Lin got married a few years ago and are now trying to have a kid and if that fails they're  looking to adopt.
Daveed he's a stay at home dad he makes sure Sebastian and Angelica have the money they needs  for lunch since I work 7 to 3 and am not able to wake Angelica up in the morning.
Finally we reach the mall and the 4 preteens get out the car and head into the mall. Angelica had my number if anything went down and she had money for the bus if she needed to take it.
Raising Angelica hasn't been a real picnic when she was a toddler she used to throw the worst tantrums and she had a huge biting problem.
Raising Brielle wasn't a real picnic either when Brielle was 14 her and her friends snuck out to a party I told her she wasn't allowed to go too and when she got home Daveed and I found her drunk after that incident Brielle wasn't allowed to leave the house unless it was for school for 2 whole months.
Anyways it's still a hard time being a parent but I love doing it and I love both of my girls.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now