Chapter 16

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It was the day of auditions and I was scared as hell.
"What If I trip and fall and everyone starts laughing me?" I ask Renee pacing around the kitchen.
Renee puts a pancake on my plate with some bacon.
"Chill out Brielle that's not going to happen." Renee assures me but I'm still not satisfied.
"What if I-"
"Brielle eat something it would take away your nervousness and you don't want to audition on a empty stomach." Renee tells me pointing to my growling stomach.
I only ate the pancakes partly because I was hungry and it would make Renee shutup.
"Do you feel better?" Renee asks me when I'm almost done eating
"Yes." I awnser. "Thanks mom."
When I'm done eating Renee and I go into the car and start to sing along to some Broadway just to make me feel better.
When we get to school Renee says to me.
"I know your still hurt about what that girl said about you but in the end when you get the role of Mimi you'll be laughing at her cruel words as a joke Brielle we all love you Oak, jazzy, Pippa, daveed everyone." Renee tells me and I smile.
"You'll kick ass at that audition I just know it." Renee tells me and I give her a hug.
"Thanks mom I love you." I say and I give her one last hug before joining Theodosia, Jackson, Olivia and Winnie at the front of the school.
"Hey Brielle." Jackson says giving me a little kiss on the cheek and I smile.
Theodosia, olivia and Winnie smother me in hugs.
"Your going to kill it at auditions today." Theodosia tells me.
"I can just imagine you and Jacksons name on the playbill as Mimi and Roger." Winnie says and I hear behind me a very familier sneer.
"Keep imagining girl how about under Mimi's name you'll see my name and under Rogers you'll see Jacksons." Kaelyn says and Jackson frowns.
"Listen Kaelyn I don't like you I never will like you and I especially don't want to be friends with you. All you do is pick on people and even if you do get the role of Mimi and i get Roger I will give my role to someone else because I will kiss somebody in a play that isn't my girlfriend but it won't be you." Jackson yells to Kaelyn and the kids that heard starts laughing at Kaelyn.
"You just got roasted." Some kids yells and Kaelyn's face is red with embarrassment.
"Well I've never." She mutters before walking off in her too high heels.
"Wow Jackson I didn't know you had a mouth like that." Olivia says astounded.
"Mhm." Winnie mutters and Jackson squeezes my hand.
"It was nothing." He tells us and the bell rings.
Right then and there I knew I was going to ace my audition.
It was audition time and Kaelyn was singing out tonight and I had to admit she had a awesome voice.
After hearing her sing I wanted to run away as fast as I can from the audtiorium and hide she was going to get Mimi I knew it.
"Your going to do fine Brielle don't worry about Kaelyn." Winnie says on cue as if she read my mind.
I nod Winnie was right I was going to ace this audition.
Finally Kaelyn was done with her song and the drama teacher called me and Jackson onto the stage.
"OK and what will you be singing?" The drama teacher asks looking at her paper.
"Without you." I awnser confidently.
The instrumental starts to play.
"Without you the ground thaws the rain falls the grass grows." I sing and I turn to my friends who are giving me a approving look.
"Without you the seeds root the flowers bloom the children play the stars gleam the poets dream the eagles fly without you." I sing getting into the song.
"The earth turns the Sun burns but I die without you." I sing and I hear someone in the audience yell sing girl and I see Renee, Pippa and Jasmine in the front row watching me.
Finally Jackson and I go into our harmonies.
"The world revives." Jackson sings.
"Colors renew." I sing.
"But I know blue only blue lonely blue." We sing together.
"Within me blue."
"Without you." I sing.
Finally the song is over and a bunch of people are clapping.
I smile proud of myself I got up onstage and sang I did it.
I werked it.
On Monday the cast list was up.

Angel- James Perdue
Tom collins- Joe Harris
Joanne- Kaelyn Mitchell
Maureen- Gianna Gilmore
Benny- Kaden carpenter
Roger- Jackson Harper
Mimi- Brielle Goldsberry

I internally screamed and grabbed Theodosia and showed her the cast list we screamed together and walked to the theater to tell everyone the good news.
The first person I told was Andrew he screamed and yelled oh my God really loud.
The next people I told were Greg and Thayne they gave me 2 cookies.
Then I told the main people I needed to know they were all excited Renee smiles and then hugs me tightly.
"This calls for a celebration." Renée tells everyone and she puts on Out tonight from her speakers And everyone in the room: me, Jasmine, Theodosia, Pippa, daveed, oak, Lin, Renee and Anthony sing along.
Guess who's probably bitching and moaning now haha Kaelyn.

This lowkey sucks but who cares sorry this story doesn't update as much I try but when it comes to this story I get major writes block but anyways I hope y'all like this chapter.

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