Chapter 25

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Renee's pov
It was December 5th a Monday when Daveed and I walked out the house to find out the gender of our baby.
Jasmine was having a little girl and they're naming it Maria Renee Ramos I was really touched to find out the baby's middle name was named after me and I was going to do the same for my family.
"Are you scared?" Daveed asks me when we get in the car.
"Kind of." I awnser and I look down.
Daveed grabs my chin and smiles.
"Renee everything is going to be fine the baby is going to be perfectly normal and very beautiful just like their mother is." Daveed tells me and then he kisses me before starting the car.
When we reach the doctors office I take a deep breath before grabbing my purse and going into the doctors office.
Oak wanted nothing to do with this baby he even told me that he's leaving Hamilton the 24th because I overheard him and Vanessa talking about moving to Florida.
So I just tell them Daveed is the father which is true. One night while me and oak were dating Daveed and I did it and the baby is Daveed's not oaks. I feel guilty not telling oak the truth but when I saw him on the couch with Vanessa he wasn't fit for being my kids father.
We go inside and wait for our names to be called and when we do we go inside the doctors room and wait for the doctor to come in.
"Remember Renee everything is going to be fine." Daveed tells me and I nod everything was going to be fine.
The doctor for my pregnancy is Dr.Mitchell and she is very nice she comes in and smiles .
"Hello Renee hello Daveed." Dr.mitchell says to us.
"Hi." Daveed and I awnser back.
"Alright Renee I'm going to need you to lift up your shirt so we can apply the gel." Dr.Mitchell tells me.
I lift my shirt up revealing my small growing baby bump.
"Sir would you like to put the gel on her stomach?" Dr.mitchell asks Daveed he nods.
Daveed grabs the gel and applies it to my stomach I shiver because the gel is so cold.
When the gel is done being applied Dr.mitchell looks on her computer and starts to type some things and then she smiles and looks at us.
"Mr. Diggs and Mrs.Goldsberry congratulations you are going to have a healthy in June." Dr.Mitchell tells us and Daveed and I look at each other smile.
When I'm all cleaned up Daveed and I kiss.
"I can't believe I'm having a little girl." I tell Daveed.
We both agreed that if we were having a girl we were going to name it Angelica Jasmine Diggs and if we had a boy Thomas Anthony Diggs.
"Daveed I love you." I tell Daveed as we walk to the car.
"I love you too Renee." Daveed awnsers we kiss one more time before heading to the car.

Brielle's pov
"You guys are having a girl I can't believe it." I say and it's true pretty soon I'm going to have a little sister around the house.
"Where's the baby at?" Sebastian asks and mom sits him on her lap.
"In my stomach seb." Mom awnsers Lin grabs Sebastian and Pippa rubs moms stomach.
"Hi Angelica I'm your auntie Pippa I'm the fun auntie." Pippa says and I laugh. "Pretty soon you'll live in a wonderful home have a wonderful mom and dad beautiful Aunts and uncles and a wonderful big sister."
Mom laughs.
"The world is a wonderful place to live at enjoy it when you get here sweetie." Pippa says and I smile. Pippa was always so enthusiastic.
I go to my room and grab my phone I wanted to tell everyone the great news.

Brielle: greats nudes guys

Theodosia: again Brielle what is up with you and nudes

Brielle:🙄 there is nothing wrong me with and nudes I meant to say news

Jackson: well what's the news

Brielle: well my parents found out the gender of the baby

Winnie: and and

Brielle: the gender of the baby is a girl

Bridgett: that's awesome

Theodosia: what's the babies name

Brielle: Angelica Jasmine Diggs

Winnie: that name is so pretty tell Renee I said congrats

Brielle: ok Winnie

"Guys I have dinner!" Daveed yells. "It's Chinese food your favorite Renee!" He adds.

Brielle: I have to eat dinner but I'll text you guys later

Jackson: bye

Theodosia: bye

Daveed's pov
It was Tuesday during our 2 show break when Lin, Anthony and I were walking to get some lunch.
"Guys can you guys help me do something tomorrow?" I ask them and they nod.
"Sure Daveed what is it?" Anthony asks.
"I want to buy a wedding ring for Renee." I say and they both looked shocked.
"Daveed are you sure?" Lin asks me. "I mean you guys just started going strong again in October."
"Renee and I were going strong through her and oaks relationship and we've been dating for 2 years before her and oak hooked up." I tell Lin and Anthony.
Lin and Anthony look at each other and smile.
"Alright man we'll help you." Anthony says and I smile it was awesome having best friends like them.
-------------------the next day-------------------
Today we have a one day show and that's at night so at around 1:00 Lin, Anthony and I go to Pandora.
When we're there we see Oak with Vanessa buying a ring he looks at us and rolls his eyes.
I can't believe that oak and I were best friends before but ever since he cheated on Renee he's become a real douche.
Vanessa looks at Lin and kisses Oak on the lips. I know she's trying to make Lin jealous but he already is in a wonderful relationship with Pippa.
"Ignore them." I tell Anthony and Lin and we go to a set of engagement rings.
We look through all of them Renee likes things simple so we tried to look for a wedding ring that is simple.
Finally we found it a ring with a gold band and a diamond with a smaller diamond on top of it.
We go to pat for the ring and I'm excited I was going to propose to Renee tonight during curtain call.
The show was ending and it was curtain call when I grabbed a microphone.
"Um excuse me I have something to say." I say into the microphone and it immediately gets quiet.
"Can the beautiful Renee Elise Goldsberry please come here?" I ask and Renee comes and stands next to me.
I grab her face and look in her eyes.
"Renee we've been dating for at least 2 years now and we've known each other for longer so-" I say getting on my knees and everyone gasps.
"Will you marry me?" I ask Renee and tears start to spill from her eyes.
"Yes I will." Renee says and then she jumps into my arms. I look at Lin and Daveed and they give me a thumbs up.
My life was going good.

I'm so sorry that I had to make oak like this I bet he is probably a awesome person in real life 😊 anyways I just wanna say thanks for getting my Hamilton oneshot book to 1k and Hamilton elementary to 5k reads.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now