Chapter 37

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Brielle's pov
It was a Sunny Friday morning and I was in high spirits it was a abnormally hot day for being the middle of April and I was just ready to get the day over with.
Since mom was on her maternity leave she dropped Nicole and I off at school not before stopping at dunkin donuts to buy us some ice coffees and some donuts.
When we got to school I sashay into the building until I hear a familiar annoying voice.
"Look who it is Brielle." The voice says and I turn around and see Kaelyn, Olivia and the rest of that little posse.
"Hey Brielle looks like you finally got some boobs." Kaelyn says pointing to my tanktop which is kind of lowcut.
"Yeah at least Jackson has something to look forward too." Olivia says.
"For your information I like girls personalities more than their boobs." I hear a voice say and I see Jackson come stand behind me along with Theodosia and Bridgett.
"Well maybe you'd like this." Kaelyn says and she grabs jacksons face and kisses him.
Jackson pulls away immediately and makes a disgusted face.
"What hell is wrong with you Kaelyn?" He asks and I suddenly pounce on Kaelyn pulling her hair and punching her in the face.
"You she devil you little bitch!" I yell at her and she hits me in nose and my nose starts to bleed.
We start going at it and rolling around on the ground when I hear another familiar voice.
"Ms.Goldsberry, Ms.Mitchell in my office now!" Kaelyn and I get up slowly and my heart is beating fast boy was I in some shit.

Renee's pov
"How the hell did you get in a fight?!" I ask Brielle who has her head turned away from me and looking out the window.
"It just happened." Brielle tells me and I  shake my head.
"Fights don't just happen Brielle tell me what provoked you to start this damn fight." I say as I drive into the driveway.
"She said something that made me mad she did something that made me mad and I got pissed alright I couldn't take it anymore Kaelyns a bitch mom a total bitch and and." Brielle says and before she can finish her sentence she grabbed her house key from out her purse and ran into the house.
I guess I wasn't the only one with my hormones on the loose maybe if I just let Brielle calm down she'll be able to confide with me.
I make myself some fruit salad and eat that and try to think of some stuff Kaelyn would do to piss Brielle off.
The usual thing Kaelyn  does to Brielle is insult her and I would here the occasional Kaelyn did this kaelyn did that but never anything physical.
Once I finish my salad I knock on Brielle's door and I hear sniffles.
"Go the hell away." Brielle says and I sighs
"Brielle I'm not asking you to open this door I'm telling you now open this door or else." I threaten.
"Or else what?" Brielle yells back.
"Or else you'll be grounded for 1 month." I threaten and the door clicks open and I see Brielle on her bed her face buried in her arms.
I sit on her bed and she starts to talk.
"Mom why do boys love girls with fabulous bodies and good looks?" Brielle asks and I look at her.
"Brielle did Kaelyn say something about your body?" I ask and Brielle nods.
"Well if you count her saying my boobs got bigger and if I want to keep Jackson it's good that I have that." Brielle tells me. "And that's when Kaelyn kissed Jackson and and even though Jackson pulled away as fast as he can they still got a kiss in and mom it sucks to see your boyfriend be kissed by someone  else mom it really does." Brielle says and I rub her back.
"That's where my questions about boys come from Daveed loves your body just the way it is but the boys at the my school just want girls with big boobs and asses and you know they can't be too skinny or too fat why is it like that?" Brielle asks and I sit up.
"Because the boys at your school are 12, 13 and 14 their at that age where they expect every single girl to look like that but don't realize that girls and women come in different shapes and sizes." I tell Brielle. "But you know as they get older they start to appreciate women way more than they did when they were younger." I tell Brielle and she gives me a hug.
"And honey Jackson would have been broke up with you if he didn't like you he wouldn't still be with you." I say to Brielle and she smiles and she squeezes me tighter in our hug.
"Thanks mom sorry for getting into a fight."Brielle tells me smiling as innocent as she can.
"It's ok and don't worry not a word about  this  to your dad." I tell Brielle and she laughs.
"Why gosh thanks." Brielle says in a southern accent and we both laugh.
Brielle may not be your perfect kid but I'm glad she's my kid.

Alright I just wanted a little cute chapter between Renee and Brielle alright when this book ends I am planning on writing a sequel well a spinoff book about the Renee's child and Jasmine's child and their adventures together don't think this book is ending because I'm telling you this we still have a lot more of this book. Another little announcement I have been writing this story on my iPad but I am going to get my phone on Sunday (I think) so I will be writing my story up there. Also this story reached 10k motherfucking reads thanks for everyone that has been reading this book since day one. Alright I'll leave you guys alone but have a good day 😊

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