Chapter 21

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The next day at school Theodosia and I are walking to school when Kaelyn pushes by us.
"Move losers." She says and I wink to Theodosia.
"I just love your purse Kaelyn where did you get it from?" I ask in a nice voice.
"Wow I didn't know it was true but you actually have a good taste in purses if you just have to know I got it from this expensive boutique in Paris when I went over the summer." Kaelyn tells us and then Theodosia points to her lavender sweater.
"I also just love your sweater where did you get it from?" Theodosia asks and I try not to laugh.
"I didn't 'get' it from anywhere my mother had a famous designer sew this sweater for her when she was my age so she passed it down to me." Kaelyn tells us and then she looks at her phone. "I have to get going I don't want to be seen talking to losers like you anyway." Kaelyn sneers and then she starts to walk away.
When we think she is out of earshot Theodosia and I start to laugh so hard tears come out of our eyes.
"Did you see the way she bragged?" Theodosia asks me and I nod.
"I got it from a boutique in Paris." I mimick and then Theodosia and I finish the walk to school.
At lunch Winnie walked in with a girl that had blonde hair and blue eyes she was wearing black jeggings with a black T-shirt with flannel her and Winnie seemed to be having a meaningful conversation.
When they sat down at our table Winnie looked at all of us.
"Guys this is Bridgett she's new here." Winnie tells us and I shake Bridgett's hand.
"Hi I'm Brielle." I say.
"I'm Olivia." Olivia tells Bridgett.
"I'm Theodosia I take care of all things fashion." Theodosia says and Bridgett smiles.
"That's good because I want to be a model when I get older." Bridgett tells Theodosia and Jackson beams.
"Maybe you guys can work together when your older." Jackson says and they shrug.
"Maybe we will." Theodosia says.
"By the way I'm Jackson." Jackson says to Bridgett.
"Brielle let's go to the lunch line they have cheesy fries and burgers today." Winnie tells me and she suddenly pulls me up and we go to the lunch line.
"I like the new girl." Winnie tells me no beating around the Bush.
I suddenly squeal.
"You like the new girl that's great." I say then my face softens. "Do you know her sexuality?" I ask and then she nods.
"I think it's lesbian either that or bi but most likely lesbian she said she had 2 girlfriends before so." Winnie says and I nod.
"You better tell her how you feel." I say to Winnie and she shakes her head.
"We just met I don't even know if she likes me we just need to take things slow for now." Winnie says to me and I grab my tray of French fries and cheese burger.

Renee's POV
That night when Brielle and Sebastian are asleep I sneak into the kitchen and get a bowl of icecream when the light clicks on.
"Renee?" The voice says and I jump a little and sigh in relief when I turn around and see Lin standing there.
I've been very stressed this week with moving and all thank good we got everything moved in today considering we have a 2 day show tommorow so being scared by Lin I really wasn't in the mood for that.
"What are you doing up?" Lin asks me and I try to hide the icecream.
"What are you doing up?" I shoot back to Lin.
"I asked you first." Lin tells me.
"I asked you second." I tell Lin.
Finally after a epic stare down Lin finally sighs and walks away.
When I'm sure he was gone I pull out the icecream and hear a laugh and turn around and see Lin.
"You were supposed to leave." I say sternly clutching the icecream to my chest.
"Hey I live in this house now I can go wherever I want." Lin tells me and I just laugh.
"Whatever Lin can't a girl get hungry and eat during the night?" I ask Lin and he nods.
"Yea but they don't go get a whole carton of icecream that weighs like 2 pounds." Lin says and I roll my eyes.
"Shutup Lin now if you exuse me I'm going to go eat my icecream in peace." I say as I push past Lin and go into my bedroom.
When I'm safe and sound in my room I decide to scroll through some posts on Instagram before I know it I'm falling asleep icecream in hand.
My dream is crazy I'm dreaming I'm in labor and Oak is in the room with me.
"Oak I'm going to kick your ass after this." I yell to Oak while squeezing his hand.
"Alright." He says.
"Don't get smart with me all you had to do was go to Walgreen's and get us protection I swear oak I don't understand you sometimes." I yell and oak is just emotionless.
Then suddenly I wake up and I'm in my room clutching my chest I could even feel the pain during my dream I swear it better not happen like that during the real dream.
I go to the kitchen and make everyone some French toast, bacon and eggs.
The first person up is Pippa and when comes in I collapse on a stool and Pippa comes next to me and I lay my head on hers.
"I had the weirdest dream last night." I tell Pippa and she smiles.
"Ooh me too." Pippa tells me and I sigh maybes Pippa's dream can lift my spirits.
"Tell me yours first." I say to Pippa and she smiles.
"Ok so I was riding a pony right and then I fell off the pony into a cinnamon roll river." Pippa tells me and I laugh.
"Your dream is weirder than mine." I admit to Pippa. "My dream was about me being in labor and all I did was yell and oak didn't care thank God it was a dream." I tell Pippa and she smiles.
"Oak is too pure to do that to you he loves you." Pippa tells me and I smile.
Oak does love me.

Publishing 2 chapters for ya tonight dramas about to happen.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now