Chapter 19

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Pippa, Lin, oak, mom and I went back to our house apparently they had another susprise for us.
"So we've all been saving our money." Oak says and everyone looks happy. "So we decided to all move in together." Oak tells me and I am confused.
"That's six people living in one house how are we going to do that?" I ask them and Pippa smiles.
"We found this house with 5 rooms near the theater Lin and I can share a room, Renee and oak could share a room, you and Sebastian can have your own rooms and then Renee's baby will have it's own room when it comes." Pippa explains.
Renee comes and sit nexts to me and starts to stroke my hair.
"You don't have to go to school tommorow because you need to pack we need to be moved in to this house by Thursday." Mom tells me and oak comes next to me.
"Its funny because Lin always wanted to live in a house with a lot of people." Pippa says and she and Lin start to get up.
"Im going to spend the night at Lin's I'll help him pack some and then I'll come help you pack Renee OK?" Pippa tells mom and mom smiles as she gives Pippa a hug.
"Thats alright pip." Mom tells pip and Pippa leaves with Lin.
Now it's just Renee, oak and I and Renee is cuddled on oak.
"I'm going to go put my pajamas on." I tell them and mom nods.
"Ok hon I'll be in to kiss you." Mom tells me and I nod and go into my room.
I wear a white T-shirt with these pajamas pants with hearts on them and tie my hair into a bun.
I decide to go text my friends in the groupchat we're all in.

Brielle- I got some exciting nudes guys

Theodosia- Brielle what the fuck

Brielle- sorry news stupid auto correct

Theodosia- good

Winnie- what's the news

Brielle- I'm going to be a big sister

Olivia- wait does that mean that Renee is pregnant

Brielle- yes

Winnie- oh my shiitake mushrooms

Theodosia- I just internally screamed

Jackson- that's awesome Bri Bri

Brielle- I know Jacky but there's more

Theodosia- omigod there's more

Brielle- yes Pippa, Lin, Sebastian, Renee, oak and I are moving to a new house near the theater

Jackson- all of you how are you guys going to do that

Brielle- I get my own room along with Sebastian and then Pippa and Lin share a room same as oak and Renee and then the baby gets it's own nursery

Theodosia- that's awesome

Olivia- yeah Brielle your going to have a brady bunch family

Brielle- its more crazy I have 1 pregnant aunt a pregnant mother and Lin and Pippa are doing the dirty dirty

Theodosia- 😂😂😂 aww Lippa goals

Winnie- its like 11 at night we have school tommorow

Brielle- Im not going I have to pack but Theodosia since you live the closest to me can you drop me the homework off

Theodosia- alright goodnight Brielle

Brielle- goodnight guys

"Hey Brielle can we talk." Someone tells me as I put my phone on the charger.
I turn and see oak looking at me through the doorway.
"Yea we can." I tell oak and he smiles and sits next to me on the bed.
"Brielle we're close right?" Oak asks me and I nod.
"I think having 21 inside jokes together means that we're close." I tell oak laughing and he smiles.
"Good." Oak says. "Because I wanted to ask you instead of you calling me oak can you um call me dad?" Oak asks me and he looks down inside I'm screaming and tears stream down my cheek I was going to have a dad.
"Yes I will call you dad." I say to dad and he smiles and hugs me.
"That's good." Dad says to me and renee comes in and sees us cuddling.
"Did oak ask you to call him dad?" Renée asks and I nod and she jumps on my bed with me.
"It's good that we're all a happy family." Renee says and I nod.
"Lets keep it that way." Oak says and before I know it they're asleep on me.
The next morning I woke up to see my parents still sleeping soundly in my bed I didn't want to wake them so I decided to go make them some food I made some waffles for me and Dad and then some oatmeal for mom when I heard a knock at the door.
It was Jasmine and Anthony all dressed and stuff.
"What are you guys doing here it's like 7 in the morning." I say to them.
"We came to help you guys pack and see our favorite pregnant person." Jasmine tells me and they sit on the couch.
"Renee and oak are still sleeping and if you want I can make you guys some waffles and stuff Renee said we can only pack until like 5 because that's when I have rehearsal and you guys do have a show tonight." I tell Jasmine and Anthony and they nod.
About 2 minutes later I hear a bump and Renee laughing hysterically.
Jasmine, Anthony and I run into my room and see oak rubbing his head.
"Renee what did I tell you about laughing to hard?" Jasmine asks Renee and Renée immediately stops laughing.
"What even happened?" I ask my mother and my father while sitting on my bed and oak looks at Renee.
"She kicked me because I was hogging all the covers." Oak tells me and him and Renee kiss.
"I still love you though." Renee tells Oak and then looks at her stomach.
"And I love you too little one." Renee says. "And speaking of little one our first appointment for it is next week." Renee tells us and we smile.
"I made some breakfast for you guys I made the pregnant ladies oatmeal gotta be healthy." I say and mom laughs and hugs me.
"Brielle I just want you to know I love you." Mom tells me.
"I love you too." I tell mom and we go to the kitchen table and start to eat.

Publishing 2 chapters for you guys today just because I'm bored love you guys❤❤❤❤

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now