Chapter 28

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Brielle's pov
Jasmine and I were going to the airport to go get her niece Nicole. Nicole's parents recently died so she was coming to live with Anthony and Jasmine and today was Christmas Eve.
We look around for Nicole until we see a girl that's a little shorter than me wave to Jasmine and run up to her.
"Auntie Jasmine." She says when she runs up to her.
"I missed you too Nicole." Jasmine says they release from the hug and then Jasmine points to me.
"Nicole you know Renee right?" Jasmine asks and Nicole nods.
"Well this is her daughter Brielle." Jasmine tells Nicole and Nicole smiles shyly and gives me a hug.
We go in the car and Jasmine sits in the front while Nicole and I sit in the back.
"Um Nicole." I say and she turns to look at me. "How old are you?" I ask and she smiles.
"I'm 12 I'm going to be 13 in May." Nicole tells me.
"Oh that's cool I'm going to be 13 in March." I tell Nicole and we Immediately strike a conversation.
"Guys Renee says do you guys want to go to the theater or stay at Renee's house by yourselves." Jasmine asks Nicole and I look at each other.
"Let's go to my house." I say and Nicole smiles.
When we get to my house it's only 3:45 mom is at the kitchen table talking to Daveed when we walk in.
"Is that Nicole?" Mom asks and she runs and gives Nicole a hug.
"The last time I seen you you were this tall." Mom says.
"I missed you Renee." Nicole says and then she turns to Daveed and gives him a hug.
"Your almost my height now these kids grow up fast." Daveed says and Brielle laughs.
"Where's Pippa and Lin?" I ask mom.
"They went to drop Sebastian at Lin's parents house for the night they'll pick him up after the show." Mom awnsers and I grab Nicole's hand.
"Alright I'm going to go show you around the house." I tell Nicole and she smiles.
So I go to the living room and ask her to hang her coat up.
"So this is where me and dad play Mario kart at always play Mario kart with dad you can always beat him." I tell Nicole and she laughs.
Next I show her to my parents room.
"This room is where my parents sleep my mom and I always talk about our problems in here and my parents bed is really fluffy." I tell Nicole and she giggles.
We finish the tour of our house and Nicole and I finally settle down in my room.
"Your room is nice." Nicole tells me as she lays on my bed.
"Thanks." I awnser.
"Guys do you guys want pizza for dinner!" Mom yells from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" Nicole and I yell back.
"So Nicole if you don't mind asking how did your parents die?" I ask and Nicole immediately makes a different facial expression.
"They drove off a bridge trying to swerve from a drunk driver I was really sad for a while not wanting to come to school but then I found out I could live with auntie Jasmine and Uncle Anthony." Nicole tells me. "That made me feel better but I still miss my mom and my dad."
"I miss my mom and my dad too." I tell Nicole. "My parents died when I was a baby about when I was 1 years old. Ever since then I went to foster Home from foster home I was adopted by Renee in September."
Nicole reaches her arms out and we go in for a hug.
Finally we go back into the kitchen where the pizza is on the table and mom and jasmine are getting their things.
"Alright guys we're going to leave but remember call us if anything is going wrong and don't awnser the door for anybody and-"
"Renee they're 12 years old they can handle this." Jasmine reassures mom and mom nods and I go and give her a hug.
"Buy mom love you." I tell mom and she kisses my forehead Nicole does the same to jasmine.
Finally mom and jasmine leave and the house is too ourselves.
The first thing we do is eat that pizza mom bought and then save a few pieces for when Daveed, mom, Lin and Pippa got home.
Then we went to play in the snow it ended up being a snowball fight between us and throwing snow in each other's hair.
After that we got into dry clothes got a blanket and when on the couch together suddenly the news came on reporting a snow storm was coming and to be careful.
I just shrugged it off it was probably some small snowstorm that was probably going to snow like a few inches of snow.
Nicole and I were playing Mario kart when we heard a crash and the lights went out.
"What the hell happened?" Nicole asks.
"The power just went out." I tell Nicole.
"What percent is your phone on?" I ask Nicole and she grabs it and looks at it.
"79 yours?" Nicole awnsers.
"90 we're good I always have the portable charger in my room if our phones do die." I tell Nicole and she nods.
"Turn your flashlight on we have to go to the basement." I tell Nicole and she looks scared.
"The basement?" She asks and I nod.
"Yes the basement." I awnser.
I'm just as scared as she is I've never been in the basement in the dark but I was almost 13 I had to face my fear.
I grabbed Nicole's hand and we turned our flashlight on and go to the basement to look for a candle all of a sudden we hear a bunch of noises like somebody talking.
"Brielle are you sure Lin and Pippa aren't here?" Nicole asks me and I shake my head.
"They would've came upstairs already." I tell Nicole and she nods as we move toward where my mom put the candles the voices got louder and suddenly Nicole screams which makes me scream which makes us both scream and we run upstairs and flop back onto the couch.
"I'm pretty sure I heard somebody talking." Nicole says and I nod.
"Me too." I say.
"Let's go look in my moms room I'm pretty sure she has some candles from the the baby shower." I say and she nods we both go into her room.
Suddenly we hear tapping on the window and Nicole holds her mouth afraid if she's screams she'll get killed.
"Open the window." Somebody says and we both duck and hide under my moms bed.
"Brielle what time is it?" Nicole asks and I look at my phone.
"Like eightish." I awnser and suddenly the Knocks went to the door.
We run to it and I say in a scared voice.
"Wh wh who is it?"
"Brielle its me Andrew open the door." Andrew says and I hold my breathe in relief as I open the door.
"Hey Andrew." I say giving Andrew a hug.
"Hey Brielle I heard Nicole was here so I had to stop by and say hello to her." Andrew says and he gives Nicole a hug.
"Hey Andrew." Nicole says.
"Was that you at the window knocking?" I ask Andrew and he shakes his head.
"OMIGOD!" I yell and Nicole and I scream.
"First the voices in the basement then the voices outside I'm so fucking scared right now I can't even breathe." I tell Andrew and we grab him so that he can go downstairs with us.
Once we are downstairs we hear the similar talking we heard before and now I was so frick fracking scared I think I peed.
"Give me your fucking money." The voice says and that's when Andrew screams and we all run upstairs.
Upstairs we all huddle together crying and screaming when we hear the lock on the door clicking.
"I just want to say Andrew I'm sorry for taking your hair gel that day." I tell Andrew and I look at Nicole.
"I just met you but you are awesome." I tell Nicole and the door burst open and we scream.
"Are you guys ok?" Someone asks and I recognize the voice as moms.
Mom shines her flashlight on us as her, Daveed, Lin and Pippa walk inside and then all of a sudden the power flicks back on.
"Seriously." I say wiping my Tears.
"We heard these voices in the basement and we got scared so we went to your room Renee to look for some candles when we heard somebody knocking on the window saying open the window." Nicole says.
"Then Andrew comes we go back downstairs and we hear the voices again." I tell mom and Andrew, Nicole and I are all huddled together.
Mom goes to the basement and comes upstairs.
"Daveed left the radio on again." Mom tells us and we sigh. "About that Window I don't know what to tell you."
I run up to mom and dad and give them a hug I was grateful that I have them in my life and will never lose them.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now