Chapter 26

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Happy Easter 👯🐰

Brielle's pov
It's Saturday and the whole cast of Hamilton is at our house because it's jasmine and moms baby shower.
After Mom and Jasmine ate about 6 plates of food Pippa announced it was time to open presents.
Mom, jasmine and Pippa sit next to each other and Alysha grabs the first present.
"Alright alright this present is for Jasmine and Renee Kamille and I made it." Alysha says and everyone passes the present until it gets to Mom and Jasmine.
Jasmine opens it and tears start to well in her and Moms eyes.
Jasmine and Mom both got a shirt that has their names on it and then the babies got a shirt with their names on it.
"For those days when you guys want to have mommy daughter day." Kamille says and mom folds her and Angelica's shirt and puts it next to her.
"Thanks Alysha." Mom says and then Anthony holds up a present.
"This one is for you Jasmine." Anthony tells Jasmine and the presents gets passed around until it gets to Jasmine.
Jasmine opens the present and then tears streams down her cheeks.
"Anthony a scrapbook!" Jasmine says and then she blows a kiss.
We starts to look in it and they're pictures of when Jasmine found out she was first pregnant and then going to find the gender of the baby and then pictures of them going baby shopping.
Daveed made one for mom and there's is beautiful too. It doesn't have much pictures in it but it will soon.
When we're done opening presents we all realize we're going to have to get going because we have a show.
Theodosia, Bridgett and I go in Renee's car with Daveed I can't imagine how many cars are parked on the street and in our driveway.
Anyways we're playing the radio and that's what I like comes on that is my new favorite song.
When The song comes on Renee and Daveed sigh.
"This song is so annoying." Daveed says and I shake my head.
"No it's not its hype." I say and start to sing the song.
When we get to the theater it's 5:50 and the show starts at 8 so everyone starts to get ready.
Bridgett, Theodosia and I bring Sebastian into Renee's dressing room with us.
Bridgett is on Instagram when she shrieks.
"You hoes come over here." She orders and we look at her screen.
Kaelyn did a live stream and Olivia is drinking liquor and hanging making out with this guy.
Kaelyn looks at her screen and then makes a face.
"Bridget why are you on my live nobody wants a Fag on their live that goes for you too Winnie." Kaelyn says and Bridget looks angry.
I grab Bridgett's  phone and press report live stream and press the live stream is inappropriate.
"Who the hell reported this live stream I bet it was that fag I fucking hate you your going to burn in hell-" the live streams ends while Kaelyn is yelling.
"Bri bri was that Kaelyn or Olivia?" Sebastian asks me.
"Kaelyn why?" I ask Sebastian.
"Kaelyn's a asshole." Sebastian says and Bridgett starts laughing and pulls out her phone and goes on snapchat.
"Say it again seb." She tells Sebastian and Sebastian playfully repeats the sentence he said before Bridgett saves the video to her phone.
"Don't encourage him to say that your going to be a horrible mom when you get older." I tell Bridgett and she shrugs I grab my phone and text in the Hamilton groupchat.

Brielle: stop cursing in front of Sebastian he just said asshole

Daveed: he learned that from me I kind of called oak a asshole

Oak: the fuck dude

Daveed: sorry but you ate my cookies

Brielle: it's glad to see you both are best friends again but I repeat STOP CURSING IN FRONT OF SEBASTIAN capeesh

Daveed: capeesh

Oak: Capeesh

"Sebastian." I say grabbing Sebastian and putting him on moms couch.
"There are many things that are bad to say." I tell Sebastian.
"Ooh can I tell him ok the bad words are bitch, hoe, ass, fuck, shit-" Bridgett says and Sebastian looks amazed.
"Bridgett stop what the hell." I say and then I cover my mouth.
"Is hell a bad word?" Sebastian asks and Theodosia grabs him from me.
"yea well not really but you still shouldn't use it." Theodosia tells Sebastian and Sebastian nods.
"Ok tell Kaelyn I'm sorry." Sebastian says and I roll my eyes.
"Never say sorry to Kaelyn she's a piece of.....poop yeah poop." I say and Sebastian cackles with laughter.
"Chug chug chug!" I hear from Bridgett's phone and Theodosia, Winnie and I quickly rush over. There we see Olivia chugging beer and then when she's finished making out with a guy.
Olivia is wearing a crop top with these short shorts and I hope she knows it's December outside.
"What the hell is wrong with Olivia she looks like a huge skank." Bridgett says and I shake my head.
"Olivia is not a skank she's just changing the way she dresses and don't call people skanks when you don't like when people call you fag." I tell Bridgett and she sighs.
"I can't believe this was actually our friend." Winnie says and she's right what happened to Olivia this wasn't the Olivia we knew and love.
"I'm actually scared for her." Theodosia tells me and we all look at Bridgett's phone in silence.
Olivia might not be our friends now but we were going to help her out.

Publishing 2 chapters today because some of you guys are on break and are probably bored and want to read something ❤️.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now