chapter 4

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I will try to update every day because I know a lot of people like reading this story and I know its annoying when your reading a good book and the person doesn't update for like 2 months but let me stop talking and let ya read the story.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of pancakes.
"Good morning Brielle." Renee says to me when I walk into the kitchen.
"Good morning mom." I say as I sit at the table.
"Pip brought some old clothes she had in middle school over and you can wear those clothes until we go shopping later." Renee tells me and I nod.
Renee gives me a plate of pancakes with whipped cream and syrup on it.
I eat it all up in less than a minute and then take a shower and go into Renee's bedroom to change.
Its the beginning of September so it's still pretty warm out so I decide to wear the pink tank top with the Jean skirt and the cute wedge sandals I brush my hair a little and then go into the living room where Renee is already dressed I guess she's a morning person.
"Well we better get going I have to go pick up Pippa and Jasmine and then go to the theater." Renee tells me.
"Ok." I say and me and her walk to the car together.
"Also you know pips boyfriend Steve?" Renee asks me and I nod.
"We all think he's cheating on Pippa." Renee says.
"How do you know." I ask.
"Because he comes home from 'work' way to late." Renee says making quotation marks on work.
"Oh." I say I just hope Pip doesn't get her heart broken she was such a cinnamon roll I couldn't imagine her sad.
"Makes me happy I'm a single pringle." Renee tells me.
"Do you have a crush on somebody?" I ask Renee smirking.
"No." Renee tells me.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
Renee hesitates.
"Fine I do like someone." Renee admits and I smirk.
"Who?" I ask. "Is he from Hamilton."
"Yes and his nickname rhymes with Oat." She says and it takes me a moment to process this.
"Holy shite you like Oak!" I yell. "So thats why I see you on his snap so often." I say and she blushes.
"Please don't tell him." Renee begs.
"Nah I wouldn't do that i'm not that mean." I tell Renee.
"Good." Renee says and she turns on the radio.
Mainly me and Renee are just singing show songs.
When we pull up in front of pips house she kisses Steve Goodbye but Steve looks hesitante in kissing her like he has some dirty secret he's keeping from her.
He probably is cheating on her. I think in my head.
When Pippa gets in the backseat Renee tells her the big news.
"I'm adopting Brielle." Renee tells Pippa.
"Yay!" Pip squeals like she literally squeals. "I've always wanted a neice now i'll have 2."
Pippa covers her mouth and Renee cocks a eyebrow.
"What do you mean your having 2 neices Pip is Jazzy adopting someone?" Renee asks.
"No but she's pregnant." Pippa says and then covers her mouth again.
"That's awesome." I say.
"Pippa this is why nobody tells you secrets." Renee says laughing.
"Sorry." Pippa says looking fake hurt.
"But she told me to tell you she isn't feeling well." Pippa tells us.
"Ok so next stop is the theater." Renee says and in 15 minutes we're at the Richard Rodgers theater.
We go inside through the stage door and people are smiling and yelling.
Renee signs a few things and then we walk inside.
Lin is in the downstairs room and when he sees me hugs me.
"Hello Hello Hello." He says to Me, Renee and Pippa.
"The Ham4ham is going to start in a few minutes and you guys need to get in your places." Lin tells us.
We go to our places and Lin does his little introduction.
"Hello Hello Hello welcome back to another Ham4ham and today we have a little girl named Brielle Jackson singing a song for us today." Lin says and I immediately turn to Pip.
"You did this." I say looking dead ass at her.
"Yep." Pippa says smirking.
"Brielle come on out." Lin says and I burst through the doors and the crowd cheers.
"So Brielle what song are you going to be singing for us today." Lin asks handing me a guitar.
How'd he know I know how to play guitar.
"I'll be singing Dear Porcupine by Melanie Martinez." I say and half the Crowd cheers.
It gets quiet and I start to sing it reminds me of how Greg and Clarissa used to bully me all the time. Well now my middle finger is rising to them.
When i'm done singing everyone is cheering.
"Now for another special guest Renee Elise Goldsberry." Lin says and everyone starts to cheer more.
Renee comes back out and blows kisses to the crowd.
"Brielle was a little girl who came from a abusive family her parents died when she was a baby and kids bullied her at school." Renee starts and a lot of people say aww.
"But when I saw this girl I knew she was a happy optimistic person and that's why I am adopting Brielle." Renee says.
I start to cry and then jump into Renees arm and we hug for the longest time.
"I love you mom." I tell Renee.
"I love you too Brielle Goldsberry." Renee says and the crowd starts to chant me and Renees names.
"And this has been another ham4ham." Lin says and me and Renee go inside.

Adopted By Renee Elise Goldsberry Where stories live. Discover now